115 戦友に出会う村
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[メモ/メモ履歴] / 発言欄へ
嗚呼、聞こえ る。やつの足音が聞こえる……。
(0) master 2013/02/15(Fri) 11時半頃
First, I have to appreciate everyone's support. About 3 month of suffering and privation. When I think of it, it's been a long haul, indeed. I really made you wait too long. So sorry. I wish to sincerely thank everyone (especially, my friends support me from an early period) and webmaster who presented an opportunity.
Right, let's begin.
(1) Yubo 2013/02/15(Fri) 12時頃
(2) itsumasa 2013/02/15(Fri) 12時半頃
(3) kqli06 2013/02/15(Fri) 12時半頃
I'm the game master. And I am お散歩隊長 アシモフ,too. I never tell a lie as the game master (重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 村建て人). However I can tell a lie as a player お散歩隊長 アシモフ. Do you understand?
Please read the wiki again. The wiki was changed many times, so please read the wiki again! And we can change the rules while prologue. If you think that there are some problems of the rules, please post before the first day.
私はゲームマスターです。そしてお散歩隊長 アシモフでもあります。重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 村建て人としては絶対に嘘はつきません。しかし、プレイヤーであるお散歩隊長 アシモフとしては嘘をつく事ができます。分かりましたか?
(#0) 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時頃
Yubo 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時頃
Yubo 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時頃
If you have some questions, you should ask while prologue. Please feel free to ask.
(4) Yubo 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時頃
こんばんは皆さん まず、Yuboへ、ゲームを作るありがとう そして、皆さんへ、一緒に楽しもう
Good evening everyone First of all, thanks a lot for making the game Yubo. Lets have some fun together everyone.
(5) Haiku 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/15(Fri) 13時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/15(Fri) 14時半頃
Finally, I can play this game. Let's play until our heart's content.
(6) valor1 2013/02/15(Fri) 23時頃
We have to wait until all members enter this village. And one player canceled joining. I said "You can cancel joining at any time.", so of course, it's ok. If you are free, please advertise this village. New member may join us.
(7) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 05時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 05時半頃
Please say something sometimes, because "2013/02/18(Mon) 05時半頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。" If you don't say anything, you will be ejected from this village.
(8) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 05時半頃
If you miss selecting the role which you want to be, you push "村を出る" and enter again. Don't forget to select the role.
(9) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 06時頃
(10) AndrewFM 2013/02/16(Sat) 06時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 06時半頃
よろしく、みんな =D ゲームを始めようぜ =P
(11) bombpersons 2013/02/16(Sat) 07時頃
Yep! Let's make it fun. (* ̄ー ̄)v
(12) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
In prologue, if you exhaust the rest of action count and the rest of statement point, you push "村から出る" and enter this village again, the point must recover. Let's talk more.
(13) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
Do you understand about interface? Why don't you try posting as soliloquy. Select "あと1000pt(独り言)" and say something. When the background color is gray, it succeed.
(14) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
>>7 Please read it (This is a practice of anchor) これはアンカーの練習
(15) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
Anchor is very useful. When you push ">>7", you can read my post. Please read -anchor- of werewolf part 3 practice it.
アンカーは便利ですね。「>>7」をクリックすると私の発言が読めます。Werewolf Part 3の-anchor-を読んで、アンカーの練習をしてください。
(16) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時頃
日本人の方へ 「>」ではなく「>」だからご注意を。インターフェイスについて日本語では説明してないけど、分かりますよね?一応wikiにはリンクも貼っているので、そこを見ていただければ。
(17) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時半頃
なるほど。じゃ、プロローグは0日ですか? I see. So the prologue is day 0?
(18) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時半頃
そうみたいですね。 Looks like it.
(19) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時半頃
>>18 Yes. I find this explanation from official wiki: >>0:3 → プロローグの発言番号3の発言へリンクを張る。
(20) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時半頃
testing testing >>0
(21) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 08時半頃
If you don't add "the day", it will be today automatically.
(22) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
Well...I play with サイモン^^;
(23) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
アシモフは、サイモンサイモン→゚・゚*・(゚O゚(☆○=(`◇´*)o コノヤロー!!
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
ペラジーは、pokes サイモン with a stick
kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
Ahaha, English emotes doesn't work.
(24) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
Hahaha, he will say "Don't poke me!".
(25) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時頃
I add a new word in part 2 新しいワードを追加しました。
RP(role-play) It's just a pastime. To act as your character. e.g. If you use "お散歩隊長 アシモフ", you say something like "Listen carefully. I'm a captain(隊長)! Call me Sir Asimov! Squeak"
By the way, Asimov is a man's name. I didn't know that^^; アシモフって男性の名前なんですね、知らなかった^^;
(26) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 09時半頃
情報 プロローグ / 最新 1 2 [メモ/メモ履歴] / 発言欄へ 全て表示
(27) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 10時半頃
ところでゲーム内に、私たちはチャラの名前を使うべきか?(私の場合には「ホレーショー」) それとものユーザ名を使う?それともどうでもいいですか?
By the way, should we use our character names (in my case: ホレーショー) to refer to each other in-game, or our user names? Or is either fine?
>>0:25 (リンクテスト) (testing a link)
(28) Haiku 2013/02/16(Sat) 11時頃
Oh, one more question: Regarding the "あと3000pt", does that apply only to the prologue or is that for the entire game? If it's the latter, I'm going to have to write shorter messages lol.
(29) Haiku 2013/02/16(Sat) 11時頃
I think we should use character names. The game will be more interesting that way.
(30) AndrewFM 2013/02/16(Sat) 11時頃
>>29 「あと3000pt」の部分は、一日だけの限界と思います。もしあれはゲームに全ての点数なら、短すぎでしょうw
I think the "あと3000pt" part is only for 1 day. But if that's for the entire game, then it's way too short lol.
(31) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 12時半頃
>>28 I think which is good, but to use character names may create atmosphere.
>>29 It should be only the prologue.
>>13 You can recover the point only when prologue.
(32) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 12時半頃
Ah...I'm impressed because we are talking in this game. I was not be able to think it comes like these days when I started this program.
>>28 >>30 In Japanese, we call "character" "キャラクター". Therefore, "キャラ" is right.
(33) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 12時半頃
>>29 I found this topic in the official wiki http://crazy-crazy.sakura.ne.jp...
In the match (from day 1) the point is 1000, but we can use [に話の続きを促した。(残n回)]:to increase the target’s statement point When you select a target and this action and write something in the box below and push “アクション”, you can increase the target’s statement point. When you use it, the 300 point increase. You can use it at 3 times. Therefore, you can increase 900pt.
(34) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 12時半頃
I found "死者は秘密会話閲覧可能" in the official wiki. It may mean "The dead players can read the whisper.". So if you die, you can know who is a wolf, probably.
Please read this rules again: After you die, you can’t give any information about game outside this game and you can’t talk about this game with other players or non-players outside this game. Please talk about game in the dead world in this game.
(35) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 13時頃
(36) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 13時頃
itsumasa 2013/02/16(Sat) 13時頃
kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 14時半頃
kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 14時半頃
(37) kqli06 2013/02/16(Sat) 14時半頃
The tragic remains of サイモン were discovered.
"This is a murder, sir." "What is the lethal weapon?" "It seems that it's a ハリセン, sir." "What!?"
(38) Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 17時頃
Yubo 2013/02/16(Sat) 17時頃
複雑ですね、これw I hope I can get the hang of this, haha
Does posting a soliloquy have any advantage? Or is it just so you can talk to only yourself?
(39) bombpersons 2013/02/16(Sat) 18時半頃
Oh, there is a limit to a soliloquy. I want to know the advantage of it~
(40) itsumasa 2013/02/16(Sat) 23時半頃
The soliloquy/monologue is your private thoughts. It's private during the game, but public at the end. So you use it to add to the story! People can see what you were secretly thinking at the end.
(41) AndrewFM 2013/02/17(Sun) 00時頃
I see~ Thank you for your explanations!
(42) itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 00時頃
I have joined! Good luck everyone!
(43) ChrisJ 2013/02/17(Sun) 01時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 02時頃
ChrisJ 2013/02/17(Sun) 03時頃
Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 07時半頃
Ah, I see! >.<
(44) bombpersons 2013/02/17(Sun) 07時半頃
>>39 From Werewolf Part 5 7)To make the truth known in soliloquy. For example, if you tell a lie in normal post, you write the reason for a lie and an honest opinion. That makes epilogue more fun!
It's just my opinion, so you don't have to follow it.
(45) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 07時半頃
ChrisJ 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃
And, "廃村期限:2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃" It means "Unless we start this game until 2013/02/21, this village will be deleted." So, we have to start this game until then. We have to gather enough members as soon as possible. I send a message to the players, but they doesn't reply yet. What should I do?
(46) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃
Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃
If you are free, please look for a new members. We might not be able to start this game as it is because some members don't enter soon.
If there are too many members, I can change this village's system and all players can enter our village. About 50 players can play at a time. It's no problem.
(47) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃
By the way, is my English right?
8)発言ミスを装う事の禁止 Don’t pretend to perform “mistell”.
Do you use "mistell" in online game? Are there more suitable words? "mistell" means "When you are a wolf and try to whisper among wolves, you miss. You posted as normal post. Other players will know that you are a wolf.". Of course, if you are not a wolf, it's the same. e.g. When you post as soliloquy, you miss.
(48) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 10時半頃
Please help me edit wiki. I want to make it more useful. Please indicate an error in a sentence and questions.
(49) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 10時半頃
(50) Lou 2013/02/17(Sun) 11時半頃
(51) Lou 2013/02/17(Sun) 11時半頃
Welcome to the game!!
>>46 I sent all the English speakers a message telling them to join. I think the only people that we're missing now are OnoSasazaki, Lightning, Nick, and Puchny.
(52) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時頃
>>48 The English is fine. I've never seen anyone use the word "mistell" before, but google search tells me that this word exists. I would probably say this instead:
"Please do not pretend to send unintended message to other players"
Or a shorter version:
"Feigned mistells are prohibited"
(53) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時頃
>>51 Hello, アイリス. Squeak.
>>52 Ono replied me. Probably, they will enter this village soon. I can't communicate the others, too.
>>53 I see. Then, let's use "mistell" in this game.
(54) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃
I will put a matter on the agenda. 議題提案します
#1. Introduce yourself(自己紹介しよう)
Anyone can add some topic for discuss. ご自由に議題追加してください。
(55) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃
#1. Hello, everyone. I was born and raised in Japan. I like playing with animals and music is my life. I'm a bit otaku. Let's make it fun!
(56) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃
I added one topic.
コードネーム(code name) For example, if you are a wolf and mistell like “Hey, サイモン. Let’s eat ディーン today!”, other players know you and サイモン are wolves. For preventing this accident, you can name サイモン Alex as code name. In addition, you can name enemies or plans in order to prevent those from revealing. Code name can tighten the union.
(57) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃
すみません~今私はここで。 This is quite confusing @^@' #1.よろしくお願いします~!私はカナダから来た。しかし、私は中国人です。遊戯が大好き、だから楽しもう~♫
(58) Puchny 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃
Yeaaah! There are many members. We must start soon.
(59) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃
#1. 私はアメリカ人です。ニュージャージーに住んでいます。コンピュータサイエンスを勉強して、ゲームが大好きです。じつは、ゲームのデベロッパーになりたいです。よろしく^^
>>56 どんな音楽が好きですか。私は日本人の歌手をあまり知りません。
(60) AndrewFM 2013/02/17(Sun) 14時頃
Oh, by the way, I'm pretty sure mistell isn't an actual English word. you can use "mistakenly say".
Also (Corrections are in brackets): "(To) prevent this accident, you can (use) Alex as (a) code name (for サイモン). In addition, you can (use) enemies names or plans in order to prevent those (mistakes). Code names can tighten the (bond?).
P.S: is there instructions for the buttons in the message box? I don't understand ; ; What is the 3000/1000 pt?? Thank you > <
(61) Puchny 2013/02/17(Sun) 14時頃
>>53 あ、これはタイプミスです。「message」ではなく、「messages」です。すみませんm(__)m
>>61 The length of your messages are measured in points. The 3000/1000 shows how much points you have left per day (3000 for normal messages, 1000 for soliloquies).
(62) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 15時頃
>>50 そのキャラクター可愛い!
(63) itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 20時頃
#1. I'm Japanese.I like to play games. I'll be a teacher for junior high school. 皆さんよろしくお願いしますm(__)m
(64) itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 20時頃
(65) Josef K 2013/02/17(Sun) 22時頃
itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 22時半頃
>>60 I like from rock to 演歌. I like a lot of kind music. Of course, In Japanese music, I listen akb48, ラルク, コブクロ and so on. I listen old music, too.
(66) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
(67) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
>>61 Thanks. I will correct wiki.
(68) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
鳥使い フィリップがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(鳥使い フィリップは村を出ました)
>>61 Is this English is right? "Don’t pretend to perform “mistakenly say”."
>P.S: is there instructions for the buttons in the message box? I don't understand ; ; What is the 3000/1000 pt?? Please read "About interface" of werewolf part 3.
[あと700pt]:the rest of statement point When you say something, you consume this point. When it is 0 pt, you can’t say anything.
(69) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
>>61 "Code names can tighten the bond?" Do I need "?"?
(70) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
Nice to meet you, ヌマタロウ. Thanks for joining us.
(71) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃
Please distinguish "村を出る" from "ログアウト". If you click "村を出る", you will decline playing this game. You have to enter this village again.
(72) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時半頃
>>69 The English grammar for this is a bit complicated. You might have to say it like this:
"Pretending to mistakenly say something is prohibited"
Or better yet:
"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited"
>>70 Nope
(73) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時頃
どうも! 頑張ります!
(74) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時半頃
(75) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/18(Mon) 02時頃
はじめまして!クリスです!アイルランド人です。ダブリンに住んでいます。大学生で、細菌を学んでいます。 私の夢は英語と科学を教えます。日本に行きたいです! 日本語は弱い、すみません! みんなさん、がんばってください!
(76) ChrisJ 2013/02/18(Mon) 02時半頃
Is it possible to disable the "automatic explusion from village" system? If people were to already get expelled from the game, that would be bad.
>>65 >>74 >>76 はじめまして!
(77) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 03時頃
>>55 #1 私はアメリカに育ったの台湾人です。AndrewFMのように、ニュージャージーに住んでいます。アニメと漫画が大好きです。よろしくお願いします。
(78) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 03時半頃
>>78 えっ、本当?!不思議な縁ですね・・・^^
(79) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 04時半頃
(80) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 05時半頃
放蕩者 ホレーショーがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(放蕩者 ホレーショーは村を出ました)
>>73 I have a question. What I want to prohibit is ... To pretend "If you want to whisper among someone or soliloquy, but you miss." For example, to pretend ..."Well, let's preform a trap today." "Oops, I missed! I was going to whisper among sympathizer." is prohibited. In short, to pretend to mistake normal post for whisper or soliloquy and so on.
However, what I didn't want to prohibit is ... To pretend "If you want to say A, but you miss" For example, To pretend ..."I'm medium!" "Oops, sorry. I missed. I'm diviner!" is ok.
How should I explain these?
(81) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃
>>77 I looked for the setting, but I can't. Probably, I can't. Please pay attention to "2013/02/20(Wed) 11時頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。"
(82) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃
>>74 Let's make it fun!
(83) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃
Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃
Please take care! If you say nothing until the dead line, you will be expelled! Please check your dead line like "2013/02/20(Wed) 11時頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。 ※発言すると期限が延長されます。"
If you go out this village, please enter again!
(84) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃
#2. What language should we use?
#2. I can read easy English by using a dictionary, and of course Japanese. For most people Japanese or English is the native language. However, this does not apply to somebody. If we use 2 language, they have to try to read 2 kind language. Can them do that? If you can't read Japanese or English by using a dictionary, please tell. We may have better use only 1 language. What do you think?
(85) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃
I have to call フィリップ and ホレーショー soon!
(86) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃
>>81 I think the best translation is this:
"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited"
>>85 I think we should use both languages whenever possible (like what AndrewFM is doing). This way, everyone will be able to read it (or at least some of it).
If you can't write in 2 languages, then write it in your native language. But remember to KEEP IT SIMPLE so non-native speakers can understand.
Sounds good?
(87) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 12時頃
>>87 I think I should explain it more.
Pretending to missend messages is prohibited. This means "You can pretend to slip of the tongue, but you can't pretend to mistake normal post for whisper or soliloquy and so on."
Sounds good?
#2. I see. I agree ペラジー's opinion. If you use both languages, your post point decrease very quickly, then please take the action "に話の続きを促した". However, it's a little troublesome? I want to ask others, too.
(88) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 12時半頃
Sounds good. Some minor corrections on the grammar:
"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited. This means that you can pretend to say something accidentally, but you can't pretend to mistake a normal post for a whisper, soliloquy, etc."
(89) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時頃
#2 Another idea: Use whatever language we want first, ask questions on Lang-8 later :P
(90) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時頃
I think ペラジー idea is good. Because maybe many people don't will be able to talk with both languages. At least, we still are learning one of the languages.
(91) Lou 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時半頃
Hi guys! I have joined this game too. Let's have fun! :3
(92) bellealbuk 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時半頃
Lou 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時頃
やばい 期限の前に発言することを忘れた! また村を入なきゃ(笑)。
Whoops. I forgot to say something before the time limit was up. Heh, looks like I need to enter the village again.
(93) Haiku 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時頃
Haiku 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時半頃
#2. I think using both languages would be best. If points become a problem, then I think we should try to write in the language we're learning, rather than our native language. It's good practice.
(94) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 15時頃
94-I agree. This forces us to practice our writing. (although, I rather be lazy and write in my native language.) Where we would put the corrections? Lang-8?
(95) Puchny 2013/02/18(Mon) 16時半頃
(96) bombpersons 2013/02/18(Mon) 18時半頃
いや〜僕追い出されちゃったみたいだね。ww また追い出されることがないように、今度はちゃんと期限の前に発言します〜ww
(97) valor1 2013/02/18(Mon) 20時頃
>>95 Maybe we can create a new topic in the English ⇔ Japanese group called "Werewolf Corrections" for this. We could refer to the posts here by their numbers.
English ⇔ Japaneseグループで新しい「Werewolf Corrections」というトピックを設けるかもしれません。番号でこの発言を聞き合わせられます。
(98) AndrewFM 2013/02/19(Tue) 00時頃
普通の発言の場合には、それはいいイデアと思う。 だが、秘密の発言の場合(狼と共鳴者)、ゲームはまだ進行中ながら添削は難しい。ピックを見れば正体を知るから。
For normal posts, I think that's a good idea. However, for secret communication (sympathizers and werewolves), It would be difficult to correct while the game is still in progress. Since if you looked at the topic, you'd know their identities.
(99) Haiku 2013/02/19(Tue) 01時半頃
>>89 Thanks. I used it.
>>91 Which idea? First? Second?
>>92 Hello, ミッシェル. Thanks for joining us. Let's enjoy.
>>95 You can use anchor. Do you know? It's very useful. If you didn't know that, please read about anchor in werewolf part 3.
(100) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
#2. I see. Then, let's use English and Japanese as possible as you can apart form very easy sentence. If you are not native speaker of Japanese or English, you can use one language of these. Of course, you can use both. じゃあ、なるべく英語と日本語両方使いましょう。簡単な文を除いて。もし英語か日本語のネイティブじゃないなら、どちらか一つで良い。もちろん両方でも構わない。
(101) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
#2. If the point became a problem, please take this action "に話の続きを促した". Please read it in werewolf part 3 発言ポイントが少なくなったら、「に話の続きを促した」のアクションを使ってください。
[に話の続きを促した。(残n回)]:to increase the target's statement point When you select a target and this action and write something in the box below and push “アクション”, you can increase the target's statement point.
When you have some reason, you can use one language which you like. It can't be helped. 何か理由があるなら、一つの言語で構わない。仕方ないよ。
Apart from normal post, you should correct after epilogue. 通常発言意外はエピローグの後で添削してください。
(102) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
Please read wiki. I think it's very useful. And please use # and anchor, etc. We can search more easily.
(103) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
(104) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
NEWS! According to the webmaster, the order of process of our site is wrong. I have to edit it soon. Please forget it once.
(105) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
ヌマタロウ tell me that he has a little problem. I will expel he once, and he will enter again.
(106) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 04時半頃
釣り師 ヌマタロウがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(釣り師 ヌマタロウは村を出ました)
#2. Unless you make thread for correction, you copy your post and paste on your Lang-8. We can correct easily and advertise this project. もし添削用のスレを建てないなら、自分の発言をコピーしてlang8に貼れば良い。簡単に添削できるし宣伝にもなる
(107) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 05時頃
I add a topic in wiki ウィキに用語追加しました。
書置き(a note left behind) The message which you leave behind just before the dawn. If you perform CO by this means, it’s “書置きCO (left CO)”. For example, when you leave a note that your partner is サイモン left, wolves may not be able to change the target to you in time.
(108) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 05時半頃
#2. I think making a topic for this is a good idea. However its design is not suited to correct our sentences. I agree with Yubo's idea. トピックを立てるっていうのは良いアイディアだと思います ただ、そこの形式が添削をするにはあまり向いてないかなぁと。 僕はYuboさんの意見に賛成ですねー
(109) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 05時半頃
>>109 それはコピペでLang-8に貼って添削し合うって事? You mean...to copy and paste on Lang-8 and correct each other?
(110) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 06時頃
>>110 そうです
(111) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 06時半頃
その方が、添削して欲しければしてもらえるし、別によければそのままで、となって良さそうですね。 If you want someone to correct your sentence, someone can correct it. If you don't want to, that's good, too.
(112) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 07時頃
>>107 This is a good idea. We should all add each other as friends on Lang-8 as well.
(113) AndrewFM 2013/02/19(Tue) 07時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 11時頃
kqli06 2013/02/19(Tue) 12時頃
I can't contact watako. #3. How long should we wait her?
#3. I think Nick and ヌマタロウ can enter soon. So we can start without her. And this village will be deleted at 7 o'clock 2013/02/21
(114) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 13時頃
>ミッシェル By the way, can you read Japanese?
(115) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 13時頃
>>114 I contacted watako. She said she'll create the account today.
(116) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 14時半頃
(117) josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 17時頃
お帰りなさいませ ご主人様 チュウチュウ
(118) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 17時半頃
(119) josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時頃
再ログインして発言できたので問題ないようです I'ts no problem to speak after re-login
(120) josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時頃
俺の拙い英語に惑わされるが良い!(悪気はないので許してください) Be puzzled with my poor English! (Please overlook,so no will)
(121) josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時頃
>>116 cool, BTW, how did you contact her? どうやって連絡つきました?
(122) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時頃
And, I cant contact misohsoh. Can anyone contact her? 誰かmisohsohと連絡つきます?
(123) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時頃
>>107 I'm agree with this idea,so I have no idea how to make friends in SNS.lang-8 too,i can't write long sentense and nothing to write in my ordinary life. (my funny friend have made many friends in lang-8. It is surprising and envious) 私はその意見に賛成です、というのもSNSで友達を作る方法を知らないからです、lang-8でも同様です、長い文章も書けないし、書くことないから、、、(どっかのアホはlang-8で友達たくさん作ったようですが、驚きとともに妬ましさもあります(笑)
(124) josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 18時半頃
>>122 She is my twitter friend. I use it to contact her:D ツイッターでの友達なので、ツイッターを使って連絡しました
(125) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 19時頃
(126) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 19時頃
Haiku 2013/02/19(Tue) 19時頃
josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 19時半頃
Watako has trouble creating an account. She says "パスワードが不明" is displayed and she can't create it. Does anyone have a solution? わたこさんはアカウントを作るところで困っているようです パスワードが不明のような表示しかされなくてアカウントが作れないと言っています 誰か解決策の分かる人はいますか?
(128) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 20時半頃
(129) valor1 2013/02/19(Tue) 21時半頃
see if any of these ideas work: - enable Javascript if it's disabled - try a different username (eg: "watako2")
このアイディアを試してください - Javascriptを使用可能にする(不使用可能の場合) - 別のユーザ名を試して(たとえば「watako2」)
(130) Haiku 2013/02/19(Tue) 21時半頃
also, check that she's only using half width English characters in the password field. [0-9a-zA-Z]
(131) Haiku 2013/02/19(Tue) 21時半頃
好きなユーザーIDと悪用を防ぐためのパスワードを決めたら、「user id」欄にユーザID、「password:」欄にパスワードを入力して「ログイン」ボタンを押してください。そのユーザーIDを誰かが既に使用していなければ、user id:xxxxx [ログアウト] と表示されます。この表示が出れば登録成功です。
(132) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時頃
(133) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時頃
(134) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時頃
(135) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時頃
She seems to have gone to different website,probably 人狼BBS. That's why she can't log in. She said she could log in,so I think she'll come here soon.
どうも間違って別のサイトのほうでログインしようとしてたみたいです だからログインできなかったみたい ログインできたと言っていたのでもうすぐ来ると思います お騒がせしてすみません
(136) itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時頃
(137) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
(138) watako312 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
josef k 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
(139) watako312 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
The place where we are is 人狼議事 land, 陰謀system, RP:B state, xebec, 戦友に出会う village. Please don't mistake state. There are many state in this site. 私達が居るのは、人狼議事国、陰謀システム、RP:B州、xebec、戦友に出会う村。州を間違えないで下さい。このサイトには多くの州があります。
(140) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
Hey! ヌマタロウ! Don't perform sexual harassment. You are too old, aren't you? おい!ヌマタロウ、セクハラはダメだよ。年考えなよ。
(141) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
Hello, watako. Nice to meet you. Have you read the rules of werewolf part 4? こんにちは、ワタコ。werewolf part 4のルールはもう読み終えましたか?
(142) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
(143) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 22時半頃
Please take care! If you say nothing until the dead line, you will be expelled! Please check your dead line like "2013/02/20(Wed) 11時頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。 ※発言すると期限が延長されます。"
If you go out this village, please enter again!
I think オスカー and ミッシェル had better say something.
(145) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
(146) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
Hi!Yubo.Nice to meet you too!Yes!I read it a while ago.But it is difficult for me to understand.So I will read it agein! Yuboさんはじめまして、よろしくおねがいします!さっき読んできましたが、もう一回読んで頭に叩き込んできます!←
(147) watako312 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
watako312 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
You can search a key words by pushing "ctrl + F" and write the key words in the box and push Enter. How about searching "#1"?
ctrl + Fを使えば、キーワードを検索できますよ。ボックスにキーワードを書いて、エンターをプッシュ。「#1」を検索してみたら?
(148) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
The remaining person is only Nick. あとはニックだけだね。
(149) Yubo 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時頃
>>145 Oh, sorry! I didn't know we had to keep saying things lol
(150) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時半頃
あっ、ダメだ、自己紹介忘れちゃって。ww 私はインドネシア人です。 今、ジャカルタに住んでいます。 趣味は漫画を読んだり、ゲームをしたり、アニメを観たりします。 よろしくお願いします。:D
(151) valor1 2013/02/19(Tue) 23時半頃
>>151 If you use "#", we can search easily. 「#」付けてくれると、探しやすいよ。
(152) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時頃
Hey, everyone. Let's chat more! Then, I give you a tricky quiz.
X and Y were riding a bus. They wanted to get off. They had the bus stopped and pay money. They got change and got off. They reached the hotel and watched TV. In the news, the bus which they were riding had a fall of rock. A rock hit the bus. X said "Oh, no. That we got off a bus is good." However, Y said "No. We should not get off." Why? Can you solve this quiz?
(153) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時頃
(154) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時頃
No spoilers please. ネタバレしないでね
(155) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時頃
Give me "に話の続きを促した". @457pt
(156) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
アシモフは、─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
アシモフは、⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─༄༅༄༅
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
Anyone help me @437pt
Of course, I can go out and enter again, but I want someone's love.
(157) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
アシモフは、(っ´ω`)っ☂⊂(´ω`⊂ ) 分け合うものだろう?
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
valor1 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
>>153 Easy! I could solve it in a few seconds! I'm not sure my answer is correct,though 簡単! 数秒で解けた(*´∀`*) 答えが合ってる確信があるわけではありませんが・・・w
(158) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
アシモフは、イチャイチャ((っ´ω`)♥(´ω`⊂ ))イチャイチャ 分け合うものだわ
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
>>153 Wow, you are smart. I was not able to solve. すごい、賢いね。私は解けなかったよ。
@1015pt Thank you.
(159) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
独り言で書いておくと、合ってたら自慢できるよ! If you write your answer as soliloquy, you can boast!
(160) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
I know(*´ω`*)w
(161) watako312 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
Wow, too easy for you? I'm dummy lol. すごいね、簡単すぎなの?私はバカだね(笑)
(162) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
アシモフは、⊂彡☆))Д´)←サイモン ⊂彡☆))Д´)←サイモン
Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
(163) valor1 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
valor1 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
OK, I wrote it in soliloquy! はーい、独り言に書いておきました(´∀`)
(164) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
(165) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 00時半頃
(167) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>163 Me too. It's too difficult for me.
(168) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
(169) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>163 Please read carefully, there is a hint in the sentence.
(170) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
ある部屋に3つのスイッチがあります。その隣の部屋には、3つの電球があります。各々のスイッチは一つの電球につながっています。初め、全てのスイッチはオフでした。部屋同士はつながっておらず、一つの部屋から隣の部屋を見ることは出来ません。また、誰かの助けを借りる事も出来ません。 あなたは初めスイッチのある部屋にいて、一回だけしか電球のある部屋に入ることができません。どうしたら、どのスイッチがどの電球につながっているか、分かるでしょうか?
(171) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
(172) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
(173) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>171 英語で書いたら、みんな楽しめるんじゃない?
(174) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>153 Oh wow I don't know the answer to that lol I'm not very good at riddles ><
ええ、あのクイズの答えわからないんですw 俺はクイズが下手ですね><
(175) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
There are three switches in a room.In the other room next to it, there are three electric light bulbs. Each switch is connected to one of three bulbs. It's impossible to see one room from the other room and there is no one to help you. You are in the room where three switches are now. You can go to the other room,but only once. What do you do to confirm which switch is connected to each bulbs?
(176) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>175 No. カルヴィン is too smart. カルヴィンが賢すぎるだけだよ。
(177) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>174 I write it in English. Maybe it's difficult to read 英語で書いてみました 読みにくいかも><
(178) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時頃
>>177 Oh, if I wrongly answered the quiz, I'll be embarrassed!! もし答えが間違ってた恥ずかしいですね(゚Д゚;)
(179) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
watako312 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
>>179 複数回答出そうですし、違ってても間違いとは言えないかもね。
(180) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
>>180 そうですね 他の人の解答でいろんな発想が出てくるのも面白いかもしれませんね
(181) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
(182) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
If either I or she die, the one who die is watako(ハナ)! I don't want to die! もし僕かハナが死ぬのなら、死ぬのはハナのほう! 僕は死にたくない><
(183) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 01時半頃
>>171 その謎の答えを分かる。だけどそれは過去で答えを聞いたから。 I know the answer to that puzzle. But only because I'd previously heard the answer.
>>154 多分答えを見つけた。すこし自信なしけど。 I *think* I've worked this one out. Still a little unsure though.
(184) Haiku 2013/02/20(Wed) 02時半頃
記者 イアンがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(記者 イアンは村を出ました)
二つの部屋と三つの電球の謎が解けた!(冗談) Solved the 3 bulbs, 2 room riddle! (just kidding)
(185) Haiku 2013/02/20(Wed) 03時半頃
>>185 Portal!lol ポータルだw
(186) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 03時半頃
>>153 答えが知ってると思います:) I think I know the answer:)
でも、クイズ#2は難しいすぎです。全然分かりませんw But riddle #2 is too hard. I have absolutely no idea lol
(187) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 06時頃
答えが分かると思うんだけど… 電球が白熱電球だと措定してもいい?
(188) bombpersons 2013/02/20(Wed) 06時頃
(189) bombpersons 2013/02/20(Wed) 06時半頃
kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 06時半頃
Hi, excuse myself, I'm just writing to not be kicked out of here :) bye
(190) bellealbuk 2013/02/20(Wed) 06時半頃
>>185 Hahaha, You said it! それはきっと当たってるよ
>>189 Yes, please read werewolf part 3
How to use [>>]+(a symbol of statement)+[day:]+(a symbol of statement)+[the number of statement]
[a symbol of statement] [通常発言]:normal statement [nothing] [独り言]:soliloquy [-] [共鳴]:to resonate [=] [囁き]:to whisper [*] [墓下発言]:dead world statement [+] This symbol was shown next to [the number of statement]. For example, “(*0) 2012/12/16(Sun)” In this case, [a symbol of statement] is *.
(191) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 09時半頃
>>190 Hey, ミッシェル. Let's have a spree more. もっと騒ごうよ
Thank you, ペラジー.
Oh, イアン・・・I have to call him. Let's talk, everyone. It's long‐awaited games, isn't it? 今度はイアンか。呼びに行かなきゃ。もっと話そうみんな、せっかくのゲームでしょ?
(192) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 09時半頃
And, Nick don't enter yet. Umm...what should we do? We don't have much time. それからニックがまだ来ないよ。どうしよう。あんまり時間は無いよ。
(193) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 09時半頃
>>189 I understand now. You mean "独り言でもanchor使える?" Yes, maybe.
(194) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 09時半頃
>>153 I will announce the answer! That A falling rock hit the bus happened in a moment. So if you don't get off, the bus didn't have to stop and spend any time. Then, the bus must go smoothly and not be hit by a falling rock.
正解発表 落石がバスに直撃するのは一瞬の出来事。もしも降りたりしなかったら、バスは止まらなかったし時間もかからなかった。スムーズに進んで、落石に当たることは無かったって事さ。
(195) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 09時半頃
>>194 Yes that's what I meant >.< I guess I'll just try and see =0
(196) bombpersons 2013/02/20(Wed) 10時頃
(197) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 12時半頃
(198) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(199) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(200) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
>>199 I know that quiz!
(201) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
@ドナルド 村へようこそ!
(202) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(203) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(204) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
By the way, is to use @ as "for" normal in like BBS?
(205) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(206) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(207) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
>>205 Yes. @ is usually used when a message is directed "at" someone. We can also use it for emails.
(208) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
Flexible thinking is need in this game. 柔軟な発想はこのゲームに必要だね
(209) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
(210) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
oops, I forgot to add some numbers lol
(211) nyx 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
>>210 Yes
(212) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時頃
NEWS "廃村期限 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃" It means "Unless we start this village until 2013/02/21 00:00, this village will be deleted." I don't know 00時頃 is pm or am? 00時頃がamかpmか分からない But maybe today's night is dead line. でもたぶん今夜がデッドライン I think chris may not be able to enter in time クリス間に合わないかも
(213) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
>>208 I see
(214) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
何が起こっているのか? 私は試験で忙しい ; - ; 私は返事を知っている! (電球の謎)
(215) Puchny 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
Can anyone contact chris? 誰かクリスと連絡とれない?
Maybe, he can't be in time as it is. このままだとたぶん間に合わないよ
(216) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
There's no point in trying to rush thing. 焦ってやろうとしてもしょうがないね。
#4. Unless he can't enter this village, what should we do?
(217) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
#4. 彼が間に合わなかったら、どうする?
(218) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 13時半頃
受付 アイリスがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(受付 アイリスは村を出ました)
Oh, アイリス...What should we do?
(219) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時頃
I just left him a message. さっき、彼にメッセジを残した。
Hopefully he'll respond soon. うまくいけば、彼はすぐ返事するよ。
(220) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
No アイリス...come baaaaackk ;_;
Can we extend the village deadline?
(221) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
I can contact アイリス. She will enter soon.
(222) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
We have to chat more! もっと喋らなきゃ
(223) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
>>221 Probably, we can't. If this village is deleted, we can make again. However all members have to enter again
(224) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
Oh! My character was expelled, but アシモフ warned me. Thank you so much! ^ - ^
(225) Lou 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
(226) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
What time is it now in アイルランド?
(227) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
5:40AM, 13/2/20
(228) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 14時半頃
itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 16時半頃
Good evening. こんばんは(*´ω`*)
(229) watako312 2013/02/20(Wed) 18時半頃
We have to decide whether or not we will start the game without chris. We have no time. クリス抜きで始めるか決めなきゃ。もう時間ない。
(230) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 20時頃
Please say something. 何か言ってくれ
(231) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 20時半頃
Let's start without chris.
(232) kqli06 2013/02/20(Wed) 22時頃
Ok, other opinion? 他の意見は?
(233) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 22時半頃
Probably, we can change the dead line. If I change the dawn, the dead line would be extended. デッドラインを延ばせるかもしれない。私が夜明けの時間を変更したら、デッドラインが延びる可能性がある。
(234) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 22時半頃
The dead line may be extended. This is the last chance. 締め切りはたぶん延びた。これがラストチャンスだと思う。
(235) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 22時半頃
The dead line might not be extended. I don't know. 締め切りは延びてないかもしれない。分からない。
(236) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
な、なんてワールドワイルドなところなんだ、、、、 What a worldwide room this is!
(237) josef k 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
(238) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
@ヌマタロウ クリス待ちますか?一応締め切りは延びたと思うけど。正確には分からないです。
(239) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
(240) valor1 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
00時は真夜中です。期限は近い。 chrisの最終ログインは15時間以内から、おそらく間に合わない。ちなみにLang-8でメッセージを受信する時、ホームで「新しいメッセージ」が表示されるか?
00時 is midnight. The deadline is close. Chris last logged in about 15 hours ago, so he probably won't make it. By the way, when you receive a message on lang-8, does it display a "New Message Received" message?
(241) Haiku 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時頃
わしはどちらでもかまわんよ? It's up to you.
(242) josef k 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
If dead line is extended, it's 23:30 tomorrow 締め切りが延びてたら、明日の23:30のはずです
(243) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
待ちながら、また謎! 8888 = 8 9375 = 1 2341 = 0 1698 = 4 8978 = 5 6301 = 2 2086 = ?
(244) Haiku 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
I send a massage to cris on Skype, but he's not online so I can't contact him. There may be no choice but to start without him... クリスにスカイプでメッセージを送りましたが彼がオンラインじゃないので連絡がとれません クリスなしで始めるしかないかもしれませんねー(´・ω・`)
(245) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
If this village is deleted, we have to make again. もし消されたら、また作るしかないですね
(246) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
>>244 Too easy! I write the answer in my soliloquy!
(247) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
情報ページでまだ同じ時を見る。 廃村期限:2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃 期限は変わらなかったと思う。 chrisぬきで始める方がいいと思う。
On the information page, I still see the same time. Thursday 12am. I think the deadline hasn't changed. We should probably start the game without Chris.
(248) Haiku 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
>>241 maybe
>>244 That's too difficult for me. カルヴィン is so smart.
(249) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
>>248 Japanese sorry. Official wiki say
廃村期限 廃村期限は、最初に決めた更新時間+募集期限になります。 しかし、もし更新時間を前にずらした後に廃村期限が来てしまった場合、 「期限が来たのに廃村しない!」というおかしなことが起こります。 実は、廃村期限は、「更新時間が来たに廃村フラグが立っていれば廃村」なのです。 1. 4/1 に 更新時間:22時00分 で村建て 2. 廃村期限は 4/11 22時00分 と表示される(以降、変動なし 3. 村建て人が 更新時間:21時00分 に変更 4. 廃村期限(4/11 22時00分)になり、廃村フラグが立つ。 更新時間はまだ来ていないので、まだ廃村はしない。 5. 4/12 21時00分 に廃村
(250) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
I changed the dawn to 23:30
(251) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
>>249 Thank you for praising me:D 褒めてくれてありがとう >>248 It's a tough choice, but I agree with you. そうしたほうが良さそうですね
(252) itsumasa 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
>>244 I solved. 解けた
(253) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
@カルヴィン 公式ウィキの説明通りなら、廃村期限は延びてると思わない?どうなんだろう?
(254) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
@カルヴィン 私は00:00で村を作って、23:30に変更した。これは更新時間を前にずらしたに成らないのかな?23>00だからなぁ。分からない。もう時間ないよ。
(255) Yubo 2013/02/20(Wed) 23時半頃
The rest is 15 minutes
(256) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃
>>254 表示が変わらないだけっぽいですもんね はやく来てくれることを祈りますヽ(・A・)ノ≡ヽ(・A・)ノ
(257) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃
お散歩隊長 アシモフがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(お散歩隊長 アシモフは村を出ました)
(258) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃
(259) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃
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