
115 戦友に出会う村

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新

視点: 人

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

Village deletion deadline
The village deletion deadline is the initially decided dawn time + some time for recruitment.
However, should you shift the dawn time to after the village deadline, the odd situation where "The village deletion deadline came, but it's still here" will happen.
Actually, the village deletion deadline is "the village will be deleted when dawn comes and the village deletion flag is set"
1. village created on 4/1 with dawn at 22:00
2. deletion deadline displayed: 4/11 22:00 (which won't change).
3. the village creator changes dawn to 21:00.
4. the deletion deadline, (4/11 22:00), passes and the deletion flag is set.
  As dawn hasn't come yet, the village still exists.
5. The village is deleted on 4/12 at 21:00.

(3) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1. いい考え方アシモフ。
#4. 今、(サイモン以外)誰でもいい。だが私の意見は変わらないものではない。

Simon seems uneasy. Suspicious...(jk)
#1: You make some good points アシモフ.
#4: at the moment, anyone except サイモン seems good. My opinion isn't fixed though.

(8) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1+#4. 守護者と占い師の能力は大切な対狼武器。無駄にすることはダメ。けど狼はまとめ役になる場合、どうする?まとめ役になたい人を占うかな?

#1 + #4. The guard and diviner's abilities are important anti-werewolf weapons. We can't afford to waste them. But what do we do if a wolf becomes the leader? Maybe we should divine the person who wants to become the leader. 
There's no point diving サイモン as he's a villager dummy and will be dead by dawn.

(11) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

ホレーショーは、自分のタイプミスを直す divining not diving*

Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>13 #1. そう起これば両氏の狼たちは死ぬ。
>>13 #1. If that happens both wolves would die.
dawn is a long way off, and we've only got 1000pt to last us 2 days.
I think we should wait a bit.

(20) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>30 >>31

Quite probably.
By the way, no-one has mentioned the fox yet. There's a possibility they may become the village's greatest opponent. If we discover the wolves' true identities, we can't kill the last one until we are sure the fox is dead, or we lose.

(32) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 05時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#4: 思い返した。#1と#2が結論にたどり着いた後で、占い先を決めた方がいいと思う。#1と#2の結果で、いい占い先は現れるかもしれん。
Thinking back on it, it would be better to wait and decide the target of divination after we've reached a conclusion to #1 and #2, as it could result in some good potential targets appearing.

(38) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1 次の朝に新たなまとめ役を決める。灰色を選ぶ、そして彼/彼女の動作を見る。白を選べれば、次の朝にまた「まとめ役が無残な姿で発見された」が起こる。誰がまとめ役と同意する、誰が揉める、誰は誰と信じる。誰が狼に殺される。情報を集める機会と思う。
The next day we elect a new one. We choose ASH, and watch their actions. If we choose a human, next morning we'll have "The tragic remains of the leader were discovered" all over again. Who agrees with the new leader, who disagrees, who believes who, who is killed by the wolves. It's a good opportunity to gather information.

(41) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>41 (続き)
And most importantly: "who want's to be the leader" and "who the leader selects". If suspicious things start happening, we depose the leader.

(42) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

ホレーショーは、恥ずかしかった。 Did I seriously just put an apostrophe in "wants"

Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

Seems like it's got quite late. See you tomorrow.

(43) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#2 占い師はCOしなきゃならない。理由は二つ。
- 守護者は隠蔽する占い師を守ることができない。占い師は襲撃される可能性がある。
- 私たちは占いの結果を知れない。それより、占い師はCO抜きで占いの結果を伝える、怪しそう人になる。
The diviner needs to reveal themselves before the second night. There's 2 reasons why:
- The guard can't protect the diviner if they remain hidden. There's a possibility they will be attacked.
- We won't know the results of the divination. More importantly, if they try and communicate the results of the diving to us without coming out, they will seem suspicious.

(74) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時半頃


Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

haha, I wrote diving again... I think I need to start using the preview page...

(76) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

For a normal wolf. But a plan to execute their partner isn't impossible. It's a great way to appear human. However I agree with you about アシモフ.

フィリップ on the other hand looks suspicious. Since his only post was "I'm not a wolf".

(78) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1 共鳴者はまとめ役になるためにCOすれば困る。狼は灰を殺したくない。白を衝撃すれば、灰数は減少しない。
It would be bad for a sympathiser to reveal themselves just to become the leader. The wolves want to avoid killing ASH. If they kill WHITE the number of ASH won't decrease.

(83) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

I meant it to be the number of ash players, (like how you can put 数 after a lot of nouns to get "number of X" (人数, 画数, etc). But seeing as I'm not Japanese, so I may have screwed up.

(89) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

ah... the irony. I screw up my English... there shouldn't be any "so" in the last sentence.

(90) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>98 狂人かもしれん? lunatic maybe?

(100) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 06時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー


if a sympathizer does CO, their partner will need to reveal themselves by the end of day 2. Otherwise the wolves can just kill the revealed sympathizer and there would be no-one to confirm the other one, they'd become an ordinary ASH villager. Of course if the guard were to protect them this situation wouldn't occur, but we can't know what the guard will do until it's too late.

(102) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 08時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー




(175) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>175 in English

ミッシェル hasn't posted anything so far, I'm a bit worried. If it turns out he's the true diviner we'll be in trouble.

There's a possibility ハナ's reason for waiting was "she wanted to talk with the other sympathizer". It's also possible she may be the real diviner. But as カルヴィン says, it is a bit suspicious.

ハナ and アシモフ. We've got 2 diviners now, but one or both of them might be imposters. Of course an imposter isn't always a bad thing, (if we've got a diviner and a sympathizer).

(180) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 02時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

フィリップ - 怪しすぎる。だが狼と狂人として怪しすぎる。そんなに怪しく行動すれば、必ず処刑される。だから彼は多分共鳴者と思う。

フィリップ - too suspicious. But too suspicious to be a wolf or lunatic. If he behaves suspiciously he's certainly going to be executed. So I think he's probably a sympathizer.

(187) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 04時頃


Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 04時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#2 + #4 今、COした占い師二人がいる。占い先を決める前に、占い師の数を確認しなきゃ。僕は占い師ではない。
We've got 2 diviners who have revealed themselves at the moment. Before the divination targets can be chosen, we need to confirm the number of diviners. I am not a diviner.

> Puchny said "she can't write a response"
I'll send her a message on lang-8. Hopefully it's an easily resolvable issue.

(193) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 11時半頃

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新

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注目:ホレーショー 解除する

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