
115 戦友に出会う村

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【人】 厭世家 サイモン


(0) master 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I started this game without chris!

(1) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I'm glad to play this game with you!
Let's have fun:D

(2) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)


This means "There are 6 villagers, 2 sympathizers, 1 diviner, 1 guard, 1 medium, 1 lunatic, 2 wolves and 1 fox"

(#0) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

Village deletion deadline
The village deletion deadline is the initially decided dawn time + some time for recruitment.
However, should you shift the dawn time to after the village deadline, the odd situation where "The village deletion deadline came, but it's still here" will happen.
Actually, the village deletion deadline is "the village will be deleted when dawn comes and the village deletion flag is set"
1. village created on 4/1 with dawn at 22:00
2. deletion deadline displayed: 4/11 22:00 (which won't change).
3. the village creator changes dawn to 21:00.
4. the deletion deadline, (4/11 22:00), passes and the deletion flag is set.
  As dawn hasn't come yet, the village still exists.
5. The village is deleted on 4/12 at 21:00.

(3) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

Please confirm your roles. And please read the wiki carefully. That's very important. Especially, please follow the rules.



(#1) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

Can you read Japanese? If you can't, it is difficult for you to confirm your roles. And you can't ask other players, because others will know your roles. Please read "werewolf part 1" of the wiki! Probably, you can understand your roles. If you can't understand your roles, please only say "I can't understand my role." You must not "copy and paste the message." because other players will know your roles. Let's think how you can know your roles by all members.

(#2) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Alright, let's be spirited!

#1. Whether or not we use leader system?
#2. When do you want diviner to come out?
#3. When do you want medium to come out?
#4. About the target of divination today.


(4) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#1. If we can use it, I want to use. However, our village's time zone is quite different, so the leader system may be difficult. But, if I say my request, a sympathizer come out today and they will be the leader. Because, we can use one "trap" and if the leader decide the target of divination, they can aim for the trap when they want.


(5) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#1. And, I think we should unify the target of vote. Because we can use the "vote CO". If we don't know who will be executed until the next day, we can't do "escape CO" and the guard may protect the person who will die. It's useless. Diviner may divine the person who will die. It's useless too.


(6) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

We should talk more than prologue! If you rarely say something, other players can't judge whether or not you are a human! If you rarely talk, your opinion will not help other players to think! Please please please talk more often! I don't want to do "to execute a quiet person" preferably, but if we need, I will do.


(7) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1. いい考え方アシモフ。
#4. 今、(サイモン以外)誰でもいい。だが私の意見は変わらないものではない。

Simon seems uneasy. Suspicious...(jk)
#1: You make some good points アシモフ.
#4: at the moment, anyone except サイモン seems good. My opinion isn't fixed though.

(8) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Our time zone is quite different, so when you can, you should advance your reasoning further! It is highly probable that we often can't directly discuss on a real-time basis. We should leave your reasoning which help other players think, if you can.


(9) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Take it easy:D
I think most of us don't realize the game started.

(10) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1+#4. 守護者と占い師の能力は大切な対狼武器。無駄にすることはダメ。けど狼はまとめ役になる場合、どうする?まとめ役になたい人を占うかな?

#1 + #4. The guard and diviner's abilities are important anti-werewolf weapons. We can't afford to waste them. But what do we do if a wolf becomes the leader? Maybe we should divine the person who wants to become the leader. 
There's no point diving サイモン as he's a villager dummy and will be dead by dawn.

(11) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#2. Today. Because after we narrow down the amount of ASH players, I want them to divine ash today. The target of attack today is サイモン and there aren't execution today, so if they come out today, they absolutely will not die tonight. Therefore, if we wait their CO until tomorrow, it's no merit, I think. Because we can't narrow down ash today.


(12) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

#1. I agree with アシモフ.
But if two werewolves come out as a sympathizer, what should we do? I think it's possible.
#2. Today is better,I think.If we don't know who is the diviner, we have difficulty reasoning.
#3. It's up to the sympathizer.
#4. サイモン is suspicious. So let's divine him!(just kidding
I don't know who should be divined at present.


(13) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

ホレーショーは、自分のタイプミスを直す divining not diving*

Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yep, but I worry about the amount of their post. There are a bit few. If they do like prologue, I think our reasoning will not advance. Especially, ミッシェル,フィリップ,ソフィア,ドナルド and アイリス. We have to execute a quite person as it is.
はい、でも私はみんなの発言量を気にしています。少し少ないです。もしプロローグのようにやっていくと、私達の推理は進まないと思う。特に, ミッシェル,フィリップ,ソフィア,ドナルド,そしてアイリス.このままだと寡黙吊りしないといけない。

(14) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yes, that is probable. However, in this village, there are only 2 wolves. I think it is unlikely. Because, they can't impersonate diviner and medium. Of course, there are lunatic, but we can use "roller strategy". If there are the fake sympathizer, we change the leader or think later.

(15) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I think they rarely came here because the game didn't start.
But I agree with your idea that we should talk more often.

(16) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Oh, sorry. I didn't confirm the number of werewolf. I thought there are three.

By the way, the point of statement is tight.
One statement consume about 50 points.

(17) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

We might be better to divine the leader.

(18) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

It seems that the post point recover per 24 hours. Then you can use about 2000pt per day in this game. That is at the mercy of others' love.

(19) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>13 #1. そう起これば両氏の狼たちは死ぬ。
>>13 #1. If that happens both wolves would die.
dawn is a long way off, and we've only got 1000pt to last us 2 days.
I think we should wait a bit.

(20) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>19 >>20
I see:D

(21) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I don't think we have to divine them. If we demand that the true sympathizer absolutely come out and they accept that, there is absolutely true sympathizer in front of us. If there are the fake and the true, we can use "roller strategy" or think later. If there is one sympathizer, I think we can consider them to be true. Because I think that request bring a profit for villagers' side. We have nothing to lose either way. I think the true sympathizer accept it. If there are 2 co, we request that they reveal their partner. I think it is difficult that wolves impersonate 2 sympathizers.

(22) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

We can be given "に話の続きを促した". One person can take the action 3 times. I think the post point would be no problem. Please read >>19 The post point will recover per 24 hours.
I think we should do what we can do now.

(23) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時半頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

The order of process in werewolf part 3 is wrong. I will edit it as soon as possible. Please take care.

werewolf part 3の処理順が間違ってます。出来る限り急いで編集します。気をつけてください。

(#3) 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時半頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

The dawn of this village is 23:30 in Japan Time.


(#4) 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>22 I see.Then I have no objection with your plan.
なるほどー じゃあ特に僕は異論はないです(´∀`)

(24) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#2. The first time vote CO. Because if they are attacked by the second times attack, at least they can come out. If they CO at day 2, there are many ability users in public at day 2. Then, the guard can't know who they should protect. If they CO at day 3, the second times attack already have been done by wolves. Then, if only one medium come out at day 3, we still have a tinge of uneasiness about "The person who was attacked by the second times attack may be a true medium". If they CO by the first vote, the guard don't have to protect medium because they didn't come out yet. And if they die, they can come out.

(25) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(26) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Thanks for agreement.

(27) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I will go to bed.ばいばい(⌒ー⌒)ノ~~~

(28) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>12 >>26
Which is your idea, today or the first time vote?Or do I misunderstand the rules?

(29) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

If there was a leader, wouldn't they be a target for attack?

(30) AndrewFM 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

There is a high probability that it happens.

(31) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 03時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>30 >>31

Quite probably.
By the way, no-one has mentioned the fox yet. There's a possibility they may become the village's greatest opponent. If we discover the wolves' true identities, we can't kill the last one until we are sure the fox is dead, or we lose.

(32) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 05時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Sorry. >>25>>26 are #3.


(33) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 06時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Thanks. カルヴィン ノシ

(34) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 07時頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

#4. If we might wind up executing quiet people, it may be best to divine talkative people.


(35) AndrewFM 2013/02/21(Thu) 07時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

Good morning everyone!
I play werewolf for the first time too.
I'm very exciting!

(36) watako312 2013/02/21(Thu) 09時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

I'm sorry.
I miss the word;;

(37) watako312 2013/02/21(Thu) 09時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#4: 思い返した。#1と#2が結論にたどり着いた後で、占い先を決めた方がいいと思う。#1と#2の結果で、いい占い先は現れるかもしれん。
Thinking back on it, it would be better to wait and decide the target of divination after we've reached a conclusion to #1 and #2, as it could result in some good potential targets appearing.

(38) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Hi guys.

Sorry I'm late. I just got back ^^;

(39) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

#1 まとめ役制度のアイデアが悪くない。でも、まとめ役は多くの不必要な危険の立場に入れる。もし死んだら、どうする?
The leader system isn't a bad idea. But it puts the leader under a lot of unnecessary risk. What happens if he dies?

(40) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1 次の朝に新たなまとめ役を決める。灰色を選ぶ、そして彼/彼女の動作を見る。白を選べれば、次の朝にまた「まとめ役が無残な姿で発見された」が起こる。誰がまとめ役と同意する、誰が揉める、誰は誰と信じる。誰が狼に殺される。情報を集める機会と思う。
The next day we elect a new one. We choose ASH, and watch their actions. If we choose a human, next morning we'll have "The tragic remains of the leader were discovered" all over again. Who agrees with the new leader, who disagrees, who believes who, who is killed by the wolves. It's a good opportunity to gather information.

(41) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>41 (続き)
And most importantly: "who want's to be the leader" and "who the leader selects". If suspicious things start happening, we depose the leader.

(42) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

ホレーショーは、恥ずかしかった。 Did I seriously just put an apostrophe in "wants"

Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

Seems like it's got quite late. See you tomorrow.

(43) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

この作戦は良さそうだね ^^b
This sounds like a good plan ^^b

(44) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

Sorry for the delay. I'm in the middle of my exams.

Diviner should never come out, at least not the first days. In our case, where everyone doesn't know each other well, that person is the biggest help we have.

(45) Puchny 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

See you later!

(46) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I agree with this. I think the diviner and guard are the 2 most important roles for the villager's side. If we have them call out too early, they could die. Let's try to find as many white players first, and then vote from there.

(47) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(48) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


Wow, I suck at typing orz.

(49) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

Just to make sure, the leader has the final decision for divine/execution? I don't like that idea at all...
念のために、リーダーは死刑/占いの最終決定があり? その考えが好きではありません...

(50) Puchny 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時頃


kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時半頃


kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yes. I think sooner or later the leader will be attacked. However, if a sympathizer is a leader, I think it's nothing to worry about. Because I think a diviner, a medium and a guard is much more important for us than sympathizers. If wolves attack a sympathizer, other ability users will survive.

(51) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 12時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I agree. We can't let wolves kill someone randomly because it's probable for a guard or a medium to die.

(52) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時頃


kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時頃

カルヴィンは、”襲わせる”→”襲う” 英語につられて日本語がおかしくなってました・・・

itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

So, who should we pick for leader?

(53) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>53 As アシモフ said, sympathizers are good for leader. Sorry for them, but the possibility to lost an important role is low if they become leader and target for attack by wolves.

(54) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時半頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

But if the wolf knows we chose the sympathizer as the leader, they'll avoid attacking the person then...

(55) Puchny 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

That's fine. Having the leader not die should be a good thing, right? lol

(56) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 13時半頃

【人】 双生児 オスカー

Ah, the game has started! I'm late lol


(57) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/21(Thu) 14時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

There's always the possibility that the sympathizer is lying, so we don't know for sure if the wolf will avoid attacking the leader.

(58) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 14時頃

【人】 受付 アイリス

Hello, let me join to the conversation...

I agree with you >.<


(59) Lou 2013/02/21(Thu) 14時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yep. -number of executions-
The number of executions is 6. If you think only the wolves, all you have to do is execute 2 wolves by 6 times executions. I think we can do it. (Of course, we have to kill a fox, too.) However, if we kill 2 wolves smoothly, a fox may win. If you kill a fox by executions, we have to execute 3 enemies by 6 times, but we can kill a fox by also divination. I think we should aim to divine a fox and execute 2 wolves.

(60) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think "to divine a moderate talker and to execute a quiet person" is good, too. Because we would be able to judge a talkative person by their opinion.

(61) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>36 yep. Let's enjoy. We don't have to be hasty. Because day 1 is about 72 hours.

(62) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

The day 1 is about 72 hours. Because I started this game at 23:50. The day 1 is absolutely 48 hours. If the dawn is 02/22 23:30, the day 1 will be below 48 hours. Therefore, the dawn of day 1 is 02/23 23:30 "2013/02/23(Sat) 23時半頃 に更新"

1日目は約72時間あります。私が23:50頃にゲームを開始したので。1日目は必ず48時間以上です。もし夜明けが02/22 23:30だと1日目が48時間以下になります。なので1日目の夜明けは「2013/02/23(Sat) 23時半頃に更新」です

(#5) 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>38 I think so, too. We have to discuss #1 and #2 first.

(63) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>40 I think the partner of a sympathizer is good. In a latter half, I think we don't need a leader.

(64) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>45 Well, when do you want diviner to come out? If they don't come out, we can't know the result of their judgement. Of course, we have some means to know the result without their CO. For example, we request that diviner will divine Mr. X and if the result is black, diviner will come out. Then, if they don't come out, we can know Mr. X is a human.

(65) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 17時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>50 I see, but there are some advantages. If a leader is a sympathizer and someone try to execute their partner without knowing it, the leader can change the target without the partner's escape CO. We can keep a trap. In addition, if the leader decide the target of divination, they can aim for the trap when they want. Of course, I think they should decide the target in accordance with the general will of the people. I mean...I want they to make the best use of knowing their partner.

(66) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>55 Yes! I think so, too. Probably, they don't attack the leader soon. Because I think it is important for the wolves to attack a diviner, a medium or a guard as soon as possible.

(67) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>57 Let's speak leisurely (^^)b
The day 1 is very long.

(68) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>59 Yes, let's enjoy this game.

(69) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時半頃

アシモフは、ホレーショーgive you my love^^

Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Your opinions have been logical.
But this idea seems not to be logical for me.
I want your explanation.
The chance that Wolves attack the leader is high because if they don't kill a definitely human that only result in increasing a ratio of wolves among ashes. Furthermore, there is a fox among ashes so wolves's attack may fail.

(70) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 19時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

Woah, it seems really pain for wolves, it's good I didn't choose "wolf" before!www

(71) valor1 2013/02/21(Thu) 22時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

Hello.I'm coming now.

(72) watako312 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I think アシモフ and フィリップ are white.

アシモフ(>>60)→ 多分、普通の狼はどうやて狼を吊るについてこの程度の考えがしない。
アシモフ → A normal wolf probably wouldn't put this level of thought into how to kill another wolf.

フィリップ(>>71)→ これは本当?うそじゃないよね?w
フィリップ → Is this true? You're not lying right? lol

(73) kqli06 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#2 占い師はCOしなきゃならない。理由は二つ。
- 守護者は隠蔽する占い師を守ることができない。占い師は襲撃される可能性がある。
- 私たちは占いの結果を知れない。それより、占い師はCO抜きで占いの結果を伝える、怪しそう人になる。
The diviner needs to reveal themselves before the second night. There's 2 reasons why:
- The guard can't protect the diviner if they remain hidden. There's a possibility they will be attacked.
- We won't know the results of the divination. More importantly, if they try and communicate the results of the diving to us without coming out, they will seem suspicious.

(74) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時半頃


Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 23時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

fmm...I read all coments now.
I know exactly how アシモフ and カルヴィン feel.
I can't choose which is good.

(75) watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

haha, I wrote diving again... I think I need to start using the preview page...

(76) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃


kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

( ̄ー ̄)ニヤニヤ
Why I should lying? *Grinning*

(77) valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

For a normal wolf. But a plan to execute their partner isn't impossible. It's a great way to appear human. However I agree with you about アシモフ.

フィリップ on the other hand looks suspicious. Since his only post was "I'm not a wolf".

(78) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

Sorry, I missed the Japanese part.
( ̄ー ̄)ニヤニヤ

(79) valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時頃

アイリスは、フィリップ( ̄ω ̄;)エートォ...

Lou 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時半頃


Lou 2013/02/22(Fri) 00時半頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時頃


watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時頃


bellealbuk 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時半頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時半頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時半頃

フィリップは、ハナに叩かれた。 フィリップは大ピンチだ。

valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 01時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

But there's no guarantee that the guard will protect the diviner. And if the diviner dies, it's a problem. I think coming out on the 2nd day is still too early. Maybe the 3-4th day would be better.

(80) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 02時頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Anyone want to do a sympathizer CO?

まとめ役になるのご褒美があるよ :)
You get to be the leader :)

(81) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 02時半頃

【人】 若者 テッド

嘘をつかないだとどうやって証拠する?他の共鳴者の確認?でも、そうしたら二つの共鳴者がCOする必要。それが危ないんじゃない?狼が二つの人間を知るし。いいCannon Fodderになれるけどねw

What can we do to prove that that person isn't lying? Get confirmation from the other Sympathizer? That means that both sympathizers need to CO though. Isn't that dangerous, since the werewolves will know who 2 humans are. I suppose they might make decent cannon fodder though haha.

(82) bombpersons 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1 共鳴者はまとめ役になるためにCOすれば困る。狼は灰を殺したくない。白を衝撃すれば、灰数は減少しない。
It would be bad for a sympathiser to reveal themselves just to become the leader. The wolves want to avoid killing ASH. If they kill WHITE the number of ASH won't decrease.

(83) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

I'm sure the wolves want to get rid of the useful ones (Diviner, Medium and Guard). If they know the leader is a useless character, they will attack someone else. They're more likely to attack those with good reasoning and who talk a lot. They should be protected (ex: アシモフ).

(84) Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時半頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

What is 灰数?

(85) Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


The opinion about #1 seems to be divided.
The advantage of sympathizer coming out is that wolf have difficulty being the leader and an important role isn't killed easily. It's because we can easily kill a false sympathizer by the other sympathizer's coming out if a wolf pretend to be sympathizer and we can reduce the possibility that the important role is accidentally killed by the leader becoming a target from attack.


(86) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


On contrary, The disadvantage is that wolves can easily find a definitely human and kill him at low risk.

(87) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>85 灰 is not identified as a human or a wolf.
灰数 is the number of them.
I hope this helps:D

(88) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

I meant it to be the number of ash players, (like how you can put 数 after a lot of nouns to get "number of X" (人数, 画数, etc). But seeing as I'm not Japanese, so I may have screwed up.

(89) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

ah... the irony. I screw up my English... there shouldn't be any "so" in the last sentence.

(90) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

灰の数 might be better!:D

(91) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Though this is my personal opinion, we would have an advantage even if the leader(a sympathizer) were killed.
One of us can't avoid being killed.
If someone die and we don't know what role he/she is, then a lunatic and a wolf can easily pretend to be the role.
In my opinion, it's the last situation I want to be in.


(92) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

ありがとう。^^ 死んだ人の意味で"灰数"を考えていたの...
Thanks. ^^ I was thinking "ashes" in the sense dead people...

(93) Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時半頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

まあ, 狼はリーダーを殺すと仮定. しかし、現在の鉛をありませんとして見て...それは最高計画は今の持っているだ私達とします...
Well that's supposing the wolves do kill the leader. But as we have no current lead... I suppose it's the best plan we have for now..

(94) Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時半頃

ソフィアは、カルヴィンわかりません ε===(っ´Д`)っ

Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時半頃


Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 04時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

Maybe we should divine Philip, because he's playing mind games...


(95) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃


AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃


Puchny 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Yes, this is based on the idea that wolves'll kill the leader.
But if they don't, we will have more advantage.
As you can see, without a leader we can't decide what to do next like now.
There is no choice but to decide it by majority this time.
That's why I'd like you all to state your opinion on #1.


(96) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

I vote for a sympathizer CO.

(97) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

He is suspicious lol
But isn't he too suspicious to be a wolf?
To make us divine him may be his purpose.

(98) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I also vote for sympathizer CO

(99) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 05時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>98 狂人かもしれん? lunatic maybe?

(100) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 06時頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

>>100 That would make the most sense. If he was a werewolf, he wouldn't want to be divined. If he was white, it would be unhelpful to his own team for us to waste a divine on him. If he was fox, a divine would kill him.


(101) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 06時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー


if a sympathizer does CO, their partner will need to reveal themselves by the end of day 2. Otherwise the wolves can just kill the revealed sympathizer and there would be no-one to confirm the other one, they'd become an ordinary ASH villager. Of course if the guard were to protect them this situation wouldn't occur, but we can't know what the guard will do until it's too late.

(102) Haiku 2013/02/22(Fri) 08時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>70 OK. To tell the truth, if there isn't a guard or the guard don't protect a sympathizer, they can eat a sympathizer easily at any time. In werewolf, we call it "preserved food". Even if they neglect a sympathizer, the sympathizer can't pass any judgement to narrow down the amount of ASH players. But if they neglect a diviner, the diviner gradually can narrow down the ASH. They can do "to keep the amount of ash players" later, but if they attack a sympathizer soon, other ability users can survive. Don't you think that is disadvantage for wolves? I don't think that only "to keep the amount of ash players in a hurry" is advantage for wolves. And they can do it later. I give the wolves a hint too much? In addition, a fox is not always in ash.

(103) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>70 OK。正直守護者が居ないか護衛が無ければ鳴なんて何時でも喰える。人狼ではこういうの「お弁当」って言うんだよね。鳴を放置しても、鳴が判定出して灰を狭めてくるような事は無いけど、占を放置したら徐々に判定が増えていくよね。灰枠を維持するのは後でも出来るけど、鳴すぐに喰ったら能力者長生きするよね。それ狼にとって不利だと思わない?急いで灰枠を維持する事だけが狼にとっての利益とは思わないよ。しかもそれは後でも出来る。狼にヒント与えすぎ?それから狐は灰に居るとは限らないよね。

(104) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>70 If wolves are afraid of the failure of attack, they would also think that there is a possibility which a guard protect the leader. Because only leader would be a certain white.

(105) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think we should not often talk about the target of protection, because we will give the wolves a hint. It's according to the guard's ability.

(106) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Now, the people who have the most information are sympathizers. They know one human. The others don't know any human without themselves. I want them to make the best use of that information and lead our discussion. I think sympathizers are stars in the initial stages of a game.

(107) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

But all players have various reasons. For example, "busy". And they can many tactics, so I think they are thinking what strategy they should use. If 2 sympathizers' time zone is quite different, they can't talk well.

(108) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

A sympathizer can do "shift CO". Even if you can't identify the true diviner, you can do "shift CO" and will be able to become the leader.

(109) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Agreed. Our top priority now should be to look for the sympathizer. Until then, we have no way to confirm anything.

(110) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

As it is, our discuss will not develop, I think. I wanted to ask more opinions, but I think we should develop our discuss by and by. We have to think our strategy in compliance with the number of CO. I will come out.

<I'm a diviner.>
Was it a dead giveaway?



(111) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時頃

【人】 小悪党 ドナルド


(112) nyx 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>92 If you really think that is "the worst", why don't you want medium to come out until the second times attack? You said "If someone die and we don't know what role he/she is, then a lunatic and a wolf can easily pretend to be the role. In my opinion, it's 'the last situation' I want to be in."
This is the situation when wolves don't attack the leader. And you said "This is the worst." But you said "Yes, this is based on the idea that wolves'll kill the leader. But if they don't, we will have more advantage."
That means "If the wolves don't attack the leader, we will have more advantage.". I think what you said is inconsistent.

(113) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>92 もし本気でそれが「最悪」だと思ってるなら、どうして霊能者に2度目の襲撃までにCOを求めないの?それからこう言ってるよね。「もし誰かが死んで、その人の役職も分からなければ、狂人や狼は簡単にその役職のふりがでてきしまいます。僕としては、それが"最悪"の状況だと思うんです」これは狼がリーダーを襲わない時の話ですよね。そして「これが最悪」だと言ってる。でも「そうですね、これは狼がリーダーを狙うだろうという考えに基いてます。でも狼がそうしなかった場合は私たちはもっと得をするでしょう」これは「狼がリーダーを襲撃しなかったら、私達はもっと得をする」という意味でしょ?矛盾してない?

(114) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Hehehe, you are 小悪党(bad man).

(115) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

This village is a little little little hotly contested game. That's ok(*´∀`*)

(116) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I'm suspecting カルヴィン. He's focusing a lot on the wolf's target, which is kind of suspicious, I think.

(117) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>117 What do you think about ">>114"?

(118) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>117 Oops, please read >>113

(119) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 13時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

It's a good point. I think it doesn't matter if the wolf attacks the leader or someone else. There will always be ways for villagers to narrow down the ASH players, and figure out who is impersonating someone else. I just think that カルヴィン is putting a lot of attention from the wolf's perspective, which is a bit suspicious in my opinion.

(120) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 13時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(121) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 13時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

Everyone, be careful.
If Asimov's CO happens to be a lie, he might be a werewolf. If so, he can perfectly impersonate a diviner.


(122) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>120 I see. What do you think about "what his said is inconsistent"? Do you agree or disagree with me?

(123) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>122 Well...That's right. If I am a wolf, I can't do "curse". If there are 2 diviners, you can judge me by aiming to divine a fox. In short, "alternate DV".
By the way, what do you think about ">>113"?

(124) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時半頃

【人】 小悪党 ドナルド

Are we still going to appoint a leader?

(125) nyx 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>125 Now, I don't care whether we make a leader or not. Because sympathizers have their reason. If they are very busy in real life, it can't be helped. But if they can be, I want them to be a leader.

(126) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Which do you like? Do you want to use a leader system?

(127) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

>>113 is inconsistent, but may just be a mistake of wording. >>117 may be onto something, though. I'll keep my eyes open.


(128) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>128 What kind of a mistake of wording do you think? What he wanted to say do you think?

(129) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I don't know why セシル think that he "merely" made a slip of the tongue. Why do you think so? I read his post well, but I don't know. "In point of fact, what he wanted to say" do you think?

(130) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think my words may be a bit harsh, so sorry. I may become excited in a debate. I think we are friends of playing the same game. So sorry.

(131) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時半頃


watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 16時頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 16時頃

【人】 小悪党 ドナルド

I'm new to this game but I think a leader would be good.

(132) nyx 2013/02/22(Fri) 17時頃

アシモフは、began to love with ハナ

Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

To tell the truth, I think we played in too earnest. Therefore, it's difficult for beginners to join our discuss. Let's be getting carried away!

(133) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

アシモフ is a name of men. So I should use more a word used by men. Hahaha! Let's get high.((( ≧∀≦)))

(134) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yeah! ハナ is mine! I will win her heart! It's not related to the difference between rat and human.
ハナは俺もものだー ネズミと人間の壁何てカンケーネー!

(135) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

English version!

(136) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I fight with my heart!

(137) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン




(138) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


(139) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Translate >>138 into English
I suppose a diviner come out and a guard protect her.
Then, a special role except a medium and a guard isn't among ashes.
It's probable for a wolf to kill a medium by accident.But the possibility is not high.
I don't want a medium to come out because I agree with you.
If both of a diviner and a medium come out, a guard don't know which role should be protected.

Nevertheless アシモフ said it's important for a special role to live, she come out without village's conclusion. I have a feeling of wrongness.

I play this game for the first time.
I may say a strange thing.
I'm glad if you would point it out.

(140) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃


watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

ん?初回投票CO?でも他の事には触れてたのに、それに賛成って一回も言ってこなかったよね?突っ込まれてから賛成に回るのはチョイあやしいぜいΣ(゚д゚ノ;)ノ 初回投票の事じゃないのかな?
能力者の生存の大事さと、周りの結論を待つ事の関連性が分からないです。てか俺がCOしなかったら、話進まなかったと思うぜい(`・ω・´)キリッ 自分も初日希望なのに、何故議論を進めようとしてCOして疑われるか分からないです。

(141) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(142) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(143) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

There are many player who play this game for the first time.
I think I need to talk about which strategy is advantageous to which team so that everyone can think about which is right thing to do.
What will happen? What is the worst situation? What will give advantage to wolves?
To think about something like this is important and necessary.


(144) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン



(145) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


(146) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>I suppose a diviner come out and a guard protect her.
Why. I think other ways have merits, too.
>It's probable for a wolf to kill a medium by accident.But the possibility is not high.
Even if they don't kill medium, if they kill ash, we can think "The person who was attacked might be a true medium.". We still have a tinge of uneasiness about that. You said "If someone die and we don't know what role he/she is, then a lunatic and a wolf can easily pretend to be the role.
In my opinion, it's the last situation I want to be in." by yourself.
>I don't want a medium to come out because I agree with you.
the first times vote CO? But you reply something for other topi, but you never agreed that. After I ask you pointedly, you agree. That's strange. You don't mean "the first vote CO"?

(147) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>Nevertheless アシモフ said it's important for a special role to live, she come out without village's conclusion. I have a feeling of wrongness.
I can't understand the relation between "it's important for a special role" and "don't wait village's conclusion". Unless I come out, I think our discuss will not develop. And you want a diviner to come out today, too. Why do you suspect the person who try to develop our discuss.

(148) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

English 145
If アシモフ is really a diviner, she is sure a guard will protect her.
Otherwise, your coming out merely expose the important role to danger.
Do you come out even though you think you will become target and be not protected?

If someone die, a false diviner may come out.But if a real diviner survive, two diviner come out so a false diviner is not easily pretend to be a real one.

(149) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

English 146
In the first place, I agree with アシモフ's idea that a sympathizer come out and become the leader.
I state only the reason.
If this decision give disadvantage to villager, the one who propose this idea,アシモフ, is a wolf's team.

(150) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

This village proceed based on アシモフ's idea.
She has a experience in werewolf so if she is a member of villager, her idea gives advantage to us.
But if she isn't, we go to wrong way.
I'm speaking only because of that.
I'm glad if you would not point out contradictions but what is lacking in my statement.


(151) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


>But you reply something for other topi, but you never agreed that.
Oh, I didn't state agreement...I thought I did it lol
I always raise objection to what I disagree with.
I want you to think that I agree with your idea on a medium's coming out by that.

(152) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 20時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 21時半頃

【人】 釣り師 ヌマタロウ


(153) josef k 2013/02/22(Fri) 22時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

あのさ、アシモフって本当は女の子なの? トピズレですいませんけど、このことが気になるの仕方ないさ、だって僕はアシモフのことがいつも男性と思ったんだ。

Err, is アシモフ actually a girl? Sorry, it's off topic, but I'm so curious about this thing because I always thought アシモフ is a man before.

(154) valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 22時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


I want to know that too much to sleep.

(155) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 22時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Let's have fun!

(156) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 22時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

Same here!:D

(157) valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 22時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

Asimov is a man. アシモフさんは男のネズミです。

(158) AndrewFM 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

>>153 おかえりなさい!
Welcome back!

(159) watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ


This is a lie, I'm actually a fox.
Diviner, please don't divine me.(ゝω・`○)
Huh, there is something suspicious..ww

(160) valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


ネットで男は男、女は男、そして小学生は警察 :)

(161) kqli06 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ


(162) watako312 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Did everyone confirm アシモフ'S coming out as a diviner?
If everyone confirm it and nobody comes out as a diviner, I think アシモフ is a real one.
If a sympathizer don't come out, I suggest アシモフ becomes the leader.


(163) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃


valor1 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


(164) itsumasa 2013/02/22(Fri) 23時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

I agree. After all, he is the one who invite us to play this game in the first place.


(165) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

小学生は警察だってこと初めて知った。 じゃあ、ネットで警察は赤ん坊だっておかしくないだろう?ww

I just know that Elementary student is actually a police. Then, I assume it's not strange that police is actually a baby on the internet?ww

(166) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

フィリップは、江南スタイル(Gangnam Style)を踊った。

valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

フィリップは、江南スタイル(Gangnam Style)に中毒した。

valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

【人】 お使い ハナ


(167) watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ


(168) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃

フィリップは、江南スタイル(Gangnam Style)を踊り続けた。

valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


アシモフ came out at around 12.
ハナ use アクション at around 16.
That's why she should confirm アシモフ's CO then.
If your reason why you come out is アシモフ's coming out, why do you take such a time until you come out.
I think she waited for a lunatic or talked with a wolf.

(169) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

I'm sorry for late.
I went to English cram school.
I was busy.

(170) watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

It's alright!:D

(171) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 00時半頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

フィリップis interesting person!


(172) watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

You really think so?ww

(173) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時頃

【人】 お使い ハナ

Yeah!I really think so too!

(174) watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時頃


watako312 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー




(175) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ


(176) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時半頃

フィリップは、あくびをした。(_ _)(-.-)(~O~)ふぁ・・(~O~)(-.-)

valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Everyone should talk more.

You have a good point.
I had completely forget the strategy.


(177) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 02時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

If we use 多占寡吊 or 中庸占い, we might be better to begin choose who is hung out or divined because we live in different time zone.


(178) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 02時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Oh, I'm wrong.
Today we don't hang out anyone...

(179) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 02時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>175 in English

ミッシェル hasn't posted anything so far, I'm a bit worried. If it turns out he's the true diviner we'll be in trouble.

There's a possibility ハナ's reason for waiting was "she wanted to talk with the other sympathizer". It's also possible she may be the real diviner. But as カルヴィン says, it is a bit suspicious.

ハナ and アシモフ. We've got 2 diviners now, but one or both of them might be imposters. Of course an imposter isn't always a bad thing, (if we've got a diviner and a sympathizer).

(180) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 02時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー




This is just my opinion, but I can think of 2 reasons why someone might do such a risky CO:

1) They are not afraid of being attacked by the wolf
2) They want to sacrifice themselves in order to protect the diviner

In this case, I think #1 is the better possibility. Therefore, it’s likely that there is a fox among アシモフ and ハナ. The other person could be on the wolf’s team. A lunatic for example.

(181) kqli06 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

You think there is no real one?

(182) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I write impressions so far.
I thought she is a bit suspicious because she suggest 中庸占い instead of 多占寡吊. I thought she want not to be divined. That's why I reckoned she was a fox.
But she come out as a diviner.
I think a diviner is likely to be hung out in the end of the game so I think I was wrong.
I think she is white but a bit lunatic.

I found nothing wrong with him.
I think he is white.

I think she is white too.

I think he is a bit white.
But he suggested 多占寡吊 because he was a wolf, and the other wolf and he is not in range of 多占寡吊.
I think that I thought too much about it.

(183) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

She is cute!

I thought he is too suspicious to be a wolf so he is a lunatic.
But he is too like lunatic to be lunatic!!!
That's why he may be a wolf.
He definitely isn't while at least.

I can't suspect her only because her CO is late.
I want her to speak more so that I can guess her allegiance.

(184) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン




(185) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン




(186) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 03時半頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

フィリップ - 怪しすぎる。だが狼と狂人として怪しすぎる。そんなに怪しく行動すれば、必ず処刑される。だから彼は多分共鳴者と思う。

フィリップ - too suspicious. But too suspicious to be a wolf or lunatic. If he behaves suspiciously he's certainly going to be executed. So I think he's probably a sympathizer.

(187) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 04時頃


Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 04時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 07時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I thought there is the possibility too.
If two diviners divine him, we may find which diviner is a real one.
But if both diviners divine him as white, we can get no information.
That's why I don't think that's a good idea.
I can't find anything else that gives an advantage to us.


(188) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 07時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 07時半頃

【人】 受付 アイリス

(I think アシモフ is a man (>ω< ))
Maybe アシモフ is a sympathizer. Because, before, he was a talkative person, but now he is a quiet person (apparently (¬ω¬ ))

Anyway, I also think アシモフ is white.

【アシモフさんは男だと思う。(>ω< )】
たぶん、アシモフさんは共鳴者です。何故ならば、前、アシモフさんは多弁でした。しかし、今、寡黙です【思しい(¬ω¬ )】。


(189) Lou 2013/02/23(Sat) 07時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

That makes sense!
But... he(she?) suggested a sympathizer came out and became the leader. And then most of us agreed with the idea.
If he is a sympathizer, does he come out as a sympathizer, not as a diviner?
He may use スライドCO...but スライドCO is not a good idea because there are many silent player.
And >>107


(190) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 08時頃

カルヴィンは、Puchny said "she can't write a response" on lang-8.Please help her

itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 08時頃

【人】 飾り職 ミッシェル

Hey guys!
Sorry for the huge delay, but now i'm here =3
Ok, so I readed everything(it took me a while x.x) and here are my thoughts:
フィリップ is propaly a wolf or maybe a lunatic, the way he acts...
アシモフ may be a wolf, he's not afraid to be attacked since he just CO as a diviner or maybe he he knows who's the guard and knows he/she will protect him.
アイリス is a wolf, well I know her and she's always suspicious~
LOL I'm kidding about アイリス, sorry just trying to light up the mood a bit <3
The other players seems to be white to me.
Ok, let's have fun!

(191) bellealbuk 2013/02/23(Sat) 08時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I'm glad you could be in time:D
About アイリス... lol

(192) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 08時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#2 + #4 今、COした占い師二人がいる。占い先を決める前に、占い師の数を確認しなきゃ。僕は占い師ではない。
We've got 2 diviners who have revealed themselves at the moment. Before the divination targets can be chosen, we need to confirm the number of diviners. I am not a diviner.

> Puchny said "she can't write a response"
I'll send her a message on lang-8. Hopefully it's an easily resolvable issue.

(193) Haiku 2013/02/23(Sat) 11時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

I'm also not a diviner.

(194) AndrewFM 2013/02/23(Sat) 13時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

【I'm not a diviner.】

(195) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 13時頃

【人】 受付 アイリス

That's truth...( ̄-  ̄ ) umm...
本当ですね。。。( ̄-  ̄ ) ンーー

Hahahah ( ̄∇ ̄;)

Okay, I'm not a diviner.

(196) Lou 2013/02/23(Sat) 13時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Same here, I'm not a diviner.

(197) kqli06 2013/02/23(Sat) 13時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

「だから彼は多分共鳴者と思う。」Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
占いは当たりですよ! お疲れ様でした。(^Д^)d

"So I think he's probably a
sympathizer."Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
ホ、ホレーショー..a, are you a diviner?!
The divination is right on the mark you know!
Good job!(^Д^)d
Sorry セシル, I've leaked out, after is up to you!

(198) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

I can post! I tried writing at school but there wasn't a posting box. It seems like my communication will be limited. ;;Sorry for the trouble.

Also not a diviner.

(199) Puchny 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

It's ok because you're cute :D
Do you confirm that you are log in?
If you are log out, a posting box don't appear.

(200) itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

1. サイモンはダミーだ!(それは当たり前だろう
2. カルヴィンは多分狂人だ。
3. ペラジーは多分人狼だ。
4. セシルは共鳴者だ!
5. テッドは多分栗鼠妖精だ。
6. ソフィア、オスカー、ミッシェル、ハナ、、ドナルドは多分村人だ。
7. アイリスは多分霊能者だ。
7. ホレーショーはおそらく占い師だ。
8. フィリップは共鳴者だ!
9. ヌマタロウは多分守護者だ。
10. アシモフは多分人狼だ。


(201) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

This is just my intuition,
First of all,
1. 1. サイモンis a dummy!(Isn't that obvious, nincompoop!(;`Д´)≡⊃)`Д)I'm sorry〜)
2. カルヴィン is probably a lunatic.
3. ペラジー is probably a werewolf。
4. セシル is a symphatizer.
5. テッド is probably a fox.
6. ソフィア、オスカー、ミッシェル、ハナ、ドナルド is probably a villager.
7. アイリス is probably a medium.
7. ホレーショー is most likely a diviner.
8. フィリップ is a symphatizer!
9. ヌマタロウ is probably a guard.
10. アシモフ is probably a werewolf.

This guess has no reason at all.:p

(202) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 14時半頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

Th-Thank you...

えーと...誰が占い師ですか私達まだ知らない? アイリスは占い師ていない場合は。そして、アシモフは共鳴者ですは私達は考えます。その後、占い師は誰ですか?
So er...we don't know who's the diviner yet? If アイリス isn't a diviner, and we suppose アシモフ is a sympathizer, then who is the diviner ...?

(203) Puchny 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃

フィリップは、みんなと一緒に江南スタイル(Gangnam Style)を踊ると決めた。

valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

Erm...I don't think you and セシル could be sympathizer together because of >>95. If you and him were sympathizer, I don't think he'd say that...

(204) Puchny 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃

【人】 小悪党 ドナルド

I havent been on much lately, I think Ashmov is probably busy lately although I agree with Phillip that he should be leader.


(205) nyx 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃


Puchny 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃

【人】 双生児 オスカー

Haha I like フィリップ's guesses( ̄ー ̄)
I'm not a diviner either.

フィリップの勘が好き。はは( ̄ー ̄)

(206) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/23(Sat) 15時頃

【人】 若者 テッド

Okay, I am also not a diviner =)

(207) bombpersons 2013/02/23(Sat) 21時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ



(208) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時半頃

【人】 鳥使い フィリップ

Hoho, thanks bro!:D


(209) valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時半頃


valor1 2013/02/23(Sat) 23時半頃

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