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【人】 厭世家 サイモン


(0) master 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I started this game without chris!

(1) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I'm glad to play this game with you!
Let's have fun:D

(2) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)


This means "There are 6 villagers, 2 sympathizers, 1 diviner, 1 guard, 1 medium, 1 lunatic, 2 wolves and 1 fox"

(#0) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

Village deletion deadline
The village deletion deadline is the initially decided dawn time + some time for recruitment.
However, should you shift the dawn time to after the village deadline, the odd situation where "The village deletion deadline came, but it's still here" will happen.
Actually, the village deletion deadline is "the village will be deleted when dawn comes and the village deletion flag is set"
1. village created on 4/1 with dawn at 22:00
2. deletion deadline displayed: 4/11 22:00 (which won't change).
3. the village creator changes dawn to 21:00.
4. the deletion deadline, (4/11 22:00), passes and the deletion flag is set.
  As dawn hasn't come yet, the village still exists.
5. The village is deleted on 4/12 at 21:00.

(3) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

Please confirm your roles. And please read the wiki carefully. That's very important. Especially, please follow the rules.



(#1) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

Can you read Japanese? If you can't, it is difficult for you to confirm your roles. And you can't ask other players, because others will know your roles. Please read "werewolf part 1" of the wiki! Probably, you can understand your roles. If you can't understand your roles, please only say "I can't understand my role." You must not "copy and paste the message." because other players will know your roles. Let's think how you can know your roles by all members.

(#2) 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Alright, let's be spirited!

#1. Whether or not we use leader system?
#2. When do you want diviner to come out?
#3. When do you want medium to come out?
#4. About the target of divination today.


(4) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#1. If we can use it, I want to use. However, our village's time zone is quite different, so the leader system may be difficult. But, if I say my request, a sympathizer come out today and they will be the leader. Because, we can use one "trap" and if the leader decide the target of divination, they can aim for the trap when they want.


(5) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#1. And, I think we should unify the target of vote. Because we can use the "vote CO". If we don't know who will be executed until the next day, we can't do "escape CO" and the guard may protect the person who will die. It's useless. Diviner may divine the person who will die. It's useless too.


(6) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 00時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

We should talk more than prologue! If you rarely say something, other players can't judge whether or not you are a human! If you rarely talk, your opinion will not help other players to think! Please please please talk more often! I don't want to do "to execute a quiet person" preferably, but if we need, I will do.


(7) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1. いい考え方アシモフ。
#4. 今、(サイモン以外)誰でもいい。だが私の意見は変わらないものではない。

Simon seems uneasy. Suspicious...(jk)
#1: You make some good points アシモフ.
#4: at the moment, anyone except サイモン seems good. My opinion isn't fixed though.

(8) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Our time zone is quite different, so when you can, you should advance your reasoning further! It is highly probable that we often can't directly discuss on a real-time basis. We should leave your reasoning which help other players think, if you can.


(9) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Take it easy:D
I think most of us don't realize the game started.

(10) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

#1+#4. 守護者と占い師の能力は大切な対狼武器。無駄にすることはダメ。けど狼はまとめ役になる場合、どうする?まとめ役になたい人を占うかな?

#1 + #4. The guard and diviner's abilities are important anti-werewolf weapons. We can't afford to waste them. But what do we do if a wolf becomes the leader? Maybe we should divine the person who wants to become the leader. 
There's no point diving サイモン as he's a villager dummy and will be dead by dawn.

(11) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#2. Today. Because after we narrow down the amount of ASH players, I want them to divine ash today. The target of attack today is サイモン and there aren't execution today, so if they come out today, they absolutely will not die tonight. Therefore, if we wait their CO until tomorrow, it's no merit, I think. Because we can't narrow down ash today.


(12) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

#1. I agree with アシモフ.
But if two werewolves come out as a sympathizer, what should we do? I think it's possible.
#2. Today is better,I think.If we don't know who is the diviner, we have difficulty reasoning.
#3. It's up to the sympathizer.
#4. サイモン is suspicious. So let's divine him!(just kidding
I don't know who should be divined at present.


(13) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

ホレーショーは、自分のタイプミスを直す divining not diving*

Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yep, but I worry about the amount of their post. There are a bit few. If they do like prologue, I think our reasoning will not advance. Especially, ミッシェル,フィリップ,ソフィア,ドナルド and アイリス. We have to execute a quite person as it is.
はい、でも私はみんなの発言量を気にしています。少し少ないです。もしプロローグのようにやっていくと、私達の推理は進まないと思う。特に, ミッシェル,フィリップ,ソフィア,ドナルド,そしてアイリス.このままだと寡黙吊りしないといけない。

(14) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yes, that is probable. However, in this village, there are only 2 wolves. I think it is unlikely. Because, they can't impersonate diviner and medium. Of course, there are lunatic, but we can use "roller strategy". If there are the fake sympathizer, we change the leader or think later.

(15) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

I think they rarely came here because the game didn't start.
But I agree with your idea that we should talk more often.

(16) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

Oh, sorry. I didn't confirm the number of werewolf. I thought there are three.

By the way, the point of statement is tight.
One statement consume about 50 points.

(17) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

We might be better to divine the leader.

(18) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 01時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

It seems that the post point recover per 24 hours. Then you can use about 2000pt per day in this game. That is at the mercy of others' love.

(19) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー

>>13 #1. そう起これば両氏の狼たちは死ぬ。
>>13 #1. If that happens both wolves would die.
dawn is a long way off, and we've only got 1000pt to last us 2 days.
I think we should wait a bit.

(20) Haiku 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

>>19 >>20
I see:D

(21) itsumasa 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I don't think we have to divine them. If we demand that the true sympathizer absolutely come out and they accept that, there is absolutely true sympathizer in front of us. If there are the fake and the true, we can use "roller strategy" or think later. If there is one sympathizer, I think we can consider them to be true. Because I think that request bring a profit for villagers' side. We have nothing to lose either way. I think the true sympathizer accept it. If there are 2 co, we request that they reveal their partner. I think it is difficult that wolves impersonate 2 sympathizers.

(22) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

We can be given "に話の続きを促した". One person can take the action 3 times. I think the post point would be no problem. Please read >>19 The post point will recover per 24 hours.
I think we should do what we can do now.

(23) Yubo 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時半頃

重ね合せ猫のユニタリ変換 (村建て人)

The order of process in werewolf part 3 is wrong. I will edit it as soon as possible. Please take care.

werewolf part 3の処理順が間違ってます。出来る限り急いで編集します。気をつけてください。

(#3) 2013/02/21(Thu) 02時半頃

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