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【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

From Werewolf Part 5
7)To make the truth known in soliloquy. For example, if you tell a lie in normal post, you write the reason for a lie and an honest opinion. That makes epilogue more fun!

It's just my opinion, so you don't have to follow it.

(45) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 07時半頃


ChrisJ 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

And, "廃村期限:2013/02/21(Thu) 00時頃"
It means "Unless we start this game until 2013/02/21, this village will be deleted." So, we have to start this game until then. We have to gather enough members as soon as possible. I send a message to the players, but they doesn't reply yet. What should I do?

(46) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃


Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

If you are free, please look for a new members. We might not be able to start this game as it is because some members don't enter soon.

If there are too many members, I can change this village's system and all players can enter our village. About 50 players can play at a time. It's no problem.



(47) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 08時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

By the way, is my English right?

Don’t pretend to perform “mistell”.

Do you use "mistell" in online game? Are there more suitable words? "mistell" means "When you are a wolf and try to whisper among wolves, you miss. You posted as normal post. Other players will know that you are a wolf.". Of course, if you are not a wolf, it's the same. e.g. When you post as soliloquy, you miss.

(48) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 10時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Please help me edit wiki. I want to make it more useful. Please indicate an error in a sentence and questions.

(49) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 10時半頃

受付 アイリスが参加しました。

【人】 受付 アイリス


(50) Lou 2013/02/17(Sun) 11時半頃

【人】 受付 アイリス


(51) Lou 2013/02/17(Sun) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Welcome to the game!!

I sent all the English speakers a message telling them to join. I think the only people that we're missing now are OnoSasazaki, Lightning, Nick, and Puchny.

(52) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

The English is fine. I've never seen anyone use the word "mistell" before, but google search tells me that this word exists. I would probably say this instead:

"Please do not pretend to send unintended message to other players"

Or a shorter version:

"Feigned mistells are prohibited"

(53) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Hello, アイリス. Squeak.

Ono replied me. Probably, they will enter this village soon. I can't communicate the others, too.

I see. Then, let's use "mistell" in this game.

(54) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I will put a matter on the agenda.

#1. Introduce yourself(自己紹介しよう)

Anyone can add some topic for discuss.

(55) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#1. Hello, everyone. I was born and raised in Japan. I like playing with animals and music is my life. I'm a bit otaku. Let's make it fun!


(56) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I added one topic.

コードネーム(code name)
For example, if you are a wolf and mistell like “Hey, サイモン. Let’s eat ディーン today!”, other players know you and サイモン are wolves. For preventing this accident, you can name サイモン Alex as code name. In addition, you can name enemies or plans in order to prevent those from revealing. Code name can tighten the union.

(57) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃

店番 ソフィアが参加しました。

【人】 店番 ソフィア

This is quite confusing @^@'

(58) Puchny 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yeaaah! There are many members. We must start soon.

(59) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 13時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

#1. 私はアメリカ人です。ニュージャージーに住んでいます。コンピュータサイエンスを勉強して、ゲームが大好きです。じつは、ゲームのデベロッパーになりたいです。よろしく^^


(60) AndrewFM 2013/02/17(Sun) 14時頃

【独】 店番 ソフィア

Oh, by the way, I'm pretty sure mistell isn't an actual English word. you can use "mistakenly say".

Also (Corrections are in brackets):
"(To) prevent this accident, you can (use) Alex as (a) code name (for サイモン). In addition, you can (use) enemies names or plans in order to prevent those (mistakes). Code names can tighten the (bond?).

P.S: is there instructions for the buttons in the message box? I don't understand ; ; What is the 3000/1000 pt?? Thank you > <

(-2) Puchny 2013/02/17(Sun) 14時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

Oh, by the way, I'm pretty sure mistell isn't an actual English word. you can use "mistakenly say".

Also (Corrections are in brackets):
"(To) prevent this accident, you can (use) Alex as (a) code name (for サイモン). In addition, you can (use) enemies names or plans in order to prevent those (mistakes). Code names can tighten the (bond?).

P.S: is there instructions for the buttons in the message box? I don't understand ; ; What is the 3000/1000 pt?? Thank you > <

(61) Puchny 2013/02/17(Sun) 14時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


The length of your messages are measured in points. The 3000/1000 shows how much points you have left per day (3000 for normal messages, 1000 for soliloquies).

(62) kqli06 2013/02/17(Sun) 15時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン


(63) itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 20時頃

【人】 小僧 カルヴィン

#1. I'm Japanese.I like to play games.
I'll be a teacher for junior high school.

(64) itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 20時頃

釣り師 ヌマタロウが参加しました。

【人】 釣り師 ヌマタロウ


(65) Josef K 2013/02/17(Sun) 22時頃


itsumasa 2013/02/17(Sun) 22時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I like from rock to 演歌. I like a lot of kind music. Of course, In Japanese music, I listen akb48, ラルク, コブクロ and so on. I listen old music, too.

(66) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(67) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃


Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Thanks. I will correct wiki.

(68) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

鳥使い フィリップがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(鳥使い フィリップは村を出ました)

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Is this English is right? "Don’t pretend to perform “mistakenly say”."

>P.S: is there instructions for the buttons in the message box? I don't understand ; ; What is the 3000/1000 pt??
Please read "About interface" of werewolf part 3.

[あと700pt]:the rest of statement point
When you say something, you consume this point. When it is 0 pt, you can’t say anything.


(69) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

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