
115 戦友に出会う村

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【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

"Code names can tighten the bond?" Do I need "?"?

(70) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Nice to meet you, ヌマタロウ. Thanks for joining us.

(71) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Please distinguish "村を出る" from "ログアウト". If you click "村を出る", you will decline playing this game. You have to enter this village again.

(72) Yubo 2013/02/17(Sun) 23時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

The English grammar for this is a bit complicated. You might have to say it like this:

"Pretending to mistakenly say something is prohibited"

Or better yet:

"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited"


(73) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時頃

双生児 オスカーが参加しました。

【人】 双生児 オスカー



(74) OnoSasazaki 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(75) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 01時半頃


itsumasa 2013/02/18(Mon) 02時頃

【人】 記者 イアン


(76) ChrisJ 2013/02/18(Mon) 02時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル


Is it possible to disable the "automatic explusion from village" system? If people were to already get expelled from the game, that would be bad.


(77) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 03時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

#1 私はアメリカに育ったの台湾人です。AndrewFMのように、ニュージャージーに住んでいます。アニメと漫画が大好きです。よろしくお願いします。

(78) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 03時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル


(79) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 04時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(80) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 05時半頃

放蕩者 ホレーショーがいたような気がしたが、気のせいだったようだ……(放蕩者 ホレーショーは村を出ました)

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I have a question.
What I want to prohibit is ...
To pretend "If you want to whisper among someone or soliloquy, but you miss."
For example, to pretend ..."Well, let's preform a trap today." "Oops, I missed! I was going to whisper among sympathizer." is prohibited. In short, to pretend to mistake normal post for whisper or soliloquy and so on.

However, what I didn't want to prohibit is ...
To pretend "If you want to say A, but you miss"
For example, To pretend ..."I'm medium!" "Oops, sorry. I missed. I'm diviner!" is ok.

How should I explain these?

(81) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I looked for the setting, but I can't. Probably, I can't. Please pay attention to "2013/02/20(Wed) 11時頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。"

(82) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Let's make it fun!

(83) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃


Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Please take care!
If you say nothing until the dead line, you will be expelled!
Please check your dead line like "2013/02/20(Wed) 11時頃までに一度も発言せず村も開始されなかった場合、あなたは自動的に村から追い出されます。

If you go out this village, please enter again!

(84) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

#2. What language should we use?

#2. I can read easy English by using a dictionary, and of course Japanese. For most people Japanese or English is the native language. However, this does not apply to somebody. If we use 2 language, they have to try to read 2 kind language. Can them do that? If you can't read Japanese or English by using a dictionary, please tell. We may have better use only 1 language. What do you think?

(85) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I have to call フィリップ and ホレーショー soon!


(86) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I think the best translation is this:

"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited"

I think we should use both languages whenever possible (like what AndrewFM is doing). This way, everyone will be able to read it (or at least some of it).

If you can't write in 2 languages, then write it in your native language. But remember to KEEP IT SIMPLE so non-native speakers can understand.

Sounds good?

(87) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 12時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think I should explain it more.

Pretending to missend messages is prohibited. This means "You can pretend to slip of the tongue, but you can't pretend to mistake normal post for whisper or soliloquy and so on."

Sounds good?

#2. I see. I agree ペラジー's opinion. If you use both languages, your post point decrease very quickly, then please take the action "に話の続きを促した". However, it's a little troublesome? I want to ask others, too.

(88) Yubo 2013/02/18(Mon) 12時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Sounds good. Some minor corrections on the grammar:

"Pretending to missend messages is prohibited. This means that you can pretend to say something accidentally, but you can't pretend to mistake a normal post for a whisper, soliloquy, etc."

(89) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

#2 Another idea: Use whatever language we want first, ask questions on Lang-8 later :P

(90) kqli06 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時頃

【人】 受付 アイリス

I think ペラジー idea is good. Because maybe many people don't will be able to talk with both languages. At least, we still are learning one of the languages.

(91) Lou 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時半頃

飾り職 ミッシェルが参加しました。

【人】 飾り職 ミッシェル

Hi guys! I have joined this game too. Let's have fun! :3

(92) bellealbuk 2013/02/18(Mon) 13時半頃


Lou 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時頃

放蕩者 ホレーショーが参加しました。

【人】 放蕩者 ホレーショー


I forgot to say something before the time limit was up.
Heh, looks like I need to enter the village again.

(93) Haiku 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時頃


Haiku 2013/02/18(Mon) 14時半頃

【人】 奏者 セシル

#2. I think using both languages would be best. If points become a problem, then I think we should try to write in the language we're learning, rather than our native language. It's good practice.


(94) AndrewFM 2013/02/18(Mon) 15時頃

【人】 店番 ソフィア

94-I agree. This forces us to practice our writing. (although, I rather be lazy and write in my native language.) Where we would put the corrections? Lang-8?

(95) Puchny 2013/02/18(Mon) 16時半頃

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