
115 戦友に出会う村

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【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>70 OK。正直守護者が居ないか護衛が無ければ鳴なんて何時でも喰える。人狼ではこういうの「お弁当」って言うんだよね。鳴を放置しても、鳴が判定出して灰を狭めてくるような事は無いけど、占を放置したら徐々に判定が増えていくよね。灰枠を維持するのは後でも出来るけど、鳴すぐに喰ったら能力者長生きするよね。それ狼にとって不利だと思わない?急いで灰枠を維持する事だけが狼にとっての利益とは思わないよ。しかもそれは後でも出来る。狼にヒント与えすぎ?それから狐は灰に居るとは限らないよね。

(104) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>70 If wolves are afraid of the failure of attack, they would also think that there is a possibility which a guard protect the leader. Because only leader would be a certain white.

(105) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think we should not often talk about the target of protection, because we will give the wolves a hint. It's according to the guard's ability.

(106) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Now, the people who have the most information are sympathizers. They know one human. The others don't know any human without themselves. I want them to make the best use of that information and lead our discussion. I think sympathizers are stars in the initial stages of a game.

(107) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

But all players have various reasons. For example, "busy". And they can many tactics, so I think they are thinking what strategy they should use. If 2 sympathizers' time zone is quite different, they can't talk well.

(108) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

A sympathizer can do "shift CO". Even if you can't identify the true diviner, you can do "shift CO" and will be able to become the leader.

(109) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 11時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

As it is, our discuss will not develop, I think. I wanted to ask more opinions, but I think we should develop our discuss by and by. We have to think our strategy in compliance with the number of CO. I will come out.

<I'm a diviner.>
Was it a dead giveaway?



(111) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>92 If you really think that is "the worst", why don't you want medium to come out until the second times attack? You said "If someone die and we don't know what role he/she is, then a lunatic and a wolf can easily pretend to be the role. In my opinion, it's 'the last situation' I want to be in."
This is the situation when wolves don't attack the leader. And you said "This is the worst." But you said "Yes, this is based on the idea that wolves'll kill the leader. But if they don't, we will have more advantage."
That means "If the wolves don't attack the leader, we will have more advantage.". I think what you said is inconsistent.

(113) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>92 もし本気でそれが「最悪」だと思ってるなら、どうして霊能者に2度目の襲撃までにCOを求めないの?それからこう言ってるよね。「もし誰かが死んで、その人の役職も分からなければ、狂人や狼は簡単にその役職のふりがでてきしまいます。僕としては、それが"最悪"の状況だと思うんです」これは狼がリーダーを襲わない時の話ですよね。そして「これが最悪」だと言ってる。でも「そうですね、これは狼がリーダーを狙うだろうという考えに基いてます。でも狼がそうしなかった場合は私たちはもっと得をするでしょう」これは「狼がリーダーを襲撃しなかったら、私達はもっと得をする」という意味でしょ?矛盾してない?

(114) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Hehehe, you are 小悪党(bad man).

(115) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

This village is a little little little hotly contested game. That's ok(*´∀`*)

(116) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>117 What do you think about ">>114"?

(118) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 12時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>117 Oops, please read >>113

(119) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 13時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>120 I see. What do you think about "what his said is inconsistent"? Do you agree or disagree with me?

(123) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>122 Well...That's right. If I am a wolf, I can't do "curse". If there are 2 diviners, you can judge me by aiming to divine a fox. In short, "alternate DV".
By the way, what do you think about ">>113"?

(124) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>125 Now, I don't care whether we make a leader or not. Because sympathizers have their reason. If they are very busy in real life, it can't be helped. But if they can be, I want them to be a leader.

(126) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 14時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Which do you like? Do you want to use a leader system?

(127) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>>128 What kind of a mistake of wording do you think? What he wanted to say do you think?

(129) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I don't know why セシル think that he "merely" made a slip of the tongue. Why do you think so? I read his post well, but I don't know. "In point of fact, what he wanted to say" do you think?

(130) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I think my words may be a bit harsh, so sorry. I may become excited in a debate. I think we are friends of playing the same game. So sorry.

(131) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 15時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 16時頃

アシモフは、began to love with ハナ

Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

To tell the truth, I think we played in too earnest. Therefore, it's difficult for beginners to join our discuss. Let's be getting carried away!

(133) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

アシモフ is a name of men. So I should use more a word used by men. Hahaha! Let's get high.((( ≧∀≦)))

(134) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

Yeah! ハナ is mine! I will win her heart! It's not related to the difference between rat and human.
ハナは俺もものだー ネズミと人間の壁何てカンケーネー!

(135) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

English version!

(136) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

I fight with my heart!

(137) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃


Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 18時半頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

ん?初回投票CO?でも他の事には触れてたのに、それに賛成って一回も言ってこなかったよね?突っ込まれてから賛成に回るのはチョイあやしいぜいΣ(゚д゚ノ;)ノ 初回投票の事じゃないのかな?
能力者の生存の大事さと、周りの結論を待つ事の関連性が分からないです。てか俺がCOしなかったら、話進まなかったと思うぜい(`・ω・´)キリッ 自分も初日希望なのに、何故議論を進めようとしてCOして疑われるか分からないです。

(141) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(142) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ


(143) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>I suppose a diviner come out and a guard protect her.
Why. I think other ways have merits, too.
>It's probable for a wolf to kill a medium by accident.But the possibility is not high.
Even if they don't kill medium, if they kill ash, we can think "The person who was attacked might be a true medium.". We still have a tinge of uneasiness about that. You said "If someone die and we don't know what role he/she is, then a lunatic and a wolf can easily pretend to be the role.
In my opinion, it's the last situation I want to be in." by yourself.
>I don't want a medium to come out because I agree with you.
the first times vote CO? But you reply something for other topi, but you never agreed that. After I ask you pointedly, you agree. That's strange. You don't mean "the first vote CO"?

(147) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

【人】 お散歩隊長 アシモフ

>Nevertheless アシモフ said it's important for a special role to live, she come out without village's conclusion. I have a feeling of wrongness.
I can't understand the relation between "it's important for a special role" and "don't wait village's conclusion". Unless I come out, I think our discuss will not develop. And you want a diviner to come out today, too. Why do you suspect the person who try to develop our discuss.

(148) Yubo 2013/02/22(Fri) 19時頃

情報 プロローグ 1日目 2日目 3日目 4日目 5日目 6日目 エピローグ 終了 / 最新

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