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【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Oh テッド T_T

(1) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 00時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー




You guys ready for a surprising plot development? I’m actually a diviner. Also, my divination results are as follows:

Day 1: カルヴィン → Werewolf
Day 2: フィリップ → Human

I haven’t divined anyone else yet, but I’d like to divine ハナ next. I think it’s likely that she’s black. Also, I think this goes without saying, but guard, please protect me. Otherwise, I will definitely be killed by tomorrow lol.

(9) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

*驚き展開?I have no idea if I said that right orz

(10) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


Well, I've been saying since day 1 (>>1:47>>1:48) that the diviner should come out on the 3rd/4th day, of which I kept my word. フィリップ's CO confirmation could have easily been a lie, so I wanted to confirm for myself before announcing the results.

(26) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 05時半頃

First to die T_T

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


Because while アシモフ and ハナ are divining, everyone else becomes a huge target for the wolf. If I came out later than I already did, that would have been even more suspicious.

(29) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 06時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


That may be true. But since アシモフ is sick in bed, and ハナ’s divination alone is not enough, I think the timing of my CO is just right.

(31) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 07時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー







(36) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

アシモフ was the first person to notice the contradictions in your comments. After reading them carefully, I noticed that you started to act more and more like a wolf. For example:

The sympathizer died, just like you said (coincidence? I think not)

The original plan was to look for the sympathizers. Why were you looking for the diviner instead?

This too…

Oh no!

I know, right XD

(37) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

「Why did you divine me at first day?If you were really a true diviner, you should have known アシモフ was a false one. It's unreasonable to divine the one whom a false diviner suspect.」


(38) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

「Why did you divine me at first day?If you were really a true diviner, you should have known アシモフ was a false one. It's unreasonable to divine the one whom a false diviner suspect.」

The reason is simple. I suspected you long before アシモフ did his diviner CO. But, since it’s very likely that he’s the fox, I think killing him this early in the game would be an extremely bad decision.

(39) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I just realized that my anchors are all messed up.

>>33 should be >>32

>>2:13 should be ignored completely, I was looking at the wrong comments & numbers. Please refer to the following instead:


(41) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 12時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


I have no intention of divining アシモフ this early in the game. Anyone else is fair game. Since ハナ was the only other diviner at the time, I chose her.

(45) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 14時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

>At first, why weren't アシモフ,ホレーショ or ペラジー attacked?

You suspected アシモフ of being a fox, so it would have been a wasted attack. I did a non-diviner declaration (>>1:197) so that I wouldn't stand out too much, and so did ホレーショ (>>1:193).

あなたはアシモフが狐だと疑った。だから襲撃したら、無意味だった。私は目立たないすぎために、非占い師宣言した(>>1:197)。ホレーショも同じことをした (>>1:193)。

(48) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 14時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

>Next, I feel odd that the sympathizer was attacked as I said.
In short, I told you who I attacked? How come a wolf do that?

>>4 「テッド」しか何も言いてないけど...
>>4 You didn't really say much aside from "Ted".

(49) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 15時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

>Wolves get advantage if the agendas aren't discussed.
Why did I try advancing it?

It works both ways. Gathering information benefits both wolf and villagers.

(51) kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 15時頃

ペラジーは、眠くなる。I'll answer the rest tomorrow ^^;

kqli06 2013/02/26(Tue) 15時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Like フィリップ said, you might have said that to confuse us.

「Wolves can win without information. Villagers can't find a wolf without information. The less information, the more advantage wolves get.」

This game is like a circular game of cat and mouse. Hiding and searching are equally important. Also, I think both teams need information in order to win.

(75) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 00時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

You're probably right. But it might be better not get too caught up with the small details. Let’s move on to figuring out which diviner is telling the truth.

Here is a summary of the divinations so far:

1日目: フィリップ → 人間
2日目:ペラジー →  狼

1日目:ホレーショー → 人間
2日目:ペラジー → 狼

1日目: カルヴィン → 狼
2日目:フィリップ → 人間

(79) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I'll vote for オスカー too.

(80) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

So we all agree to vote for オスカー?

Any ideas on who we should divine next? アシモフ and ハナ were supposed to divine each other for day 3, but neither of them followed the plan. That said, I’d like to take back my previous statement about not divining アシモフ. Assuming that I don’t get killed by tomorrow, I will divine アシモフ or ハナ. You guys can pick.

(84) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 07時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


Your suggestion is fine, but I don't really understand why ハナ shouldn't be divined. So far, no one's divined her yet, so I think it's a good idea. Also, アシモフ isn't the only one I suspect of being a fox. ハナ is equally suspicious.

(86) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 10時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I'll be more than happy to vote on it.

If I divine アシモフ, I might be able to prove that I'm the true diviner.

If I divine ハナ, it will prove nothing, but at least I'll know which team she's on.

And if I die, the medium will know that ハナ and アシモフ are fake.


(90) kqli06 2013/02/27(Wed) 13時頃

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