
115 戦友に出会う村

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【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

You guys type too fast lol

I can barely respond fast enough in English, let alone Japanese orz

How about we do a "vote divination".

ホレーショー protects アシモフ, and the diviner divines whoever they want. BUT, they must vote for the same person that they divined. This way, you can't pretend to divine someone you didn't.

(28) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(34) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 11時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


(39) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

How so?

(40) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


ミッシェル, you're not allowed to copy/paste system messages. That's cheating.

(44) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I suggest everyone slow down, and think their posts carefully before posting.


(52) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Let's pretend we didn't see that and none of that actually happened. The point of this game is to think critically and figure out the roles by ourselves, not show answers. It's okay to point fingers, but you need reasoning to back it up the claims that you make.

(55) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


I think your goal is to make me look like a wolf. But if you follow my suggestion (>>34), you can find the real diviner. Why would you think it's meaningless?


(57) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 12時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I didn't finish writing the comment above.

英語の分:You can't pretend to divine another target.

(58) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 13時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

>If ペラジー is the true diviner, then why don't ハナ support me? Why did I suspect her?>>1:169

Wolves can send other wolves messages. She probably didn't send a message yet, so you didn't know her identity at the time.

>If ペラジー knew アシモフ was a false diviner, why did she say this?>>1:73

Fake diviner ≠ Wolf

>If I'm a wolf, why did I agree to be divined?(if アシモフ isn't a wolf, I might be divined as a wolf.) >>2:85

You knew that ハナ was a wolf. Also, you knew that アシモフ was not a wolf.

>I was right. She couldn't curse アシモフ.>>3:46

That's because アシモフ not a fox.

(68) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 13時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


I've decided who I'm going to divine today. I'll also set my vote to the same divination target. I think simultaneous and anonymous divination will work. Also, I'll wait for ホレーショー's answer.

(74) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 14時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I disagree. I suspected you because of what you said and how you acted, not because アシモフ divined you.


(81) kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 14時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 14時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 14時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/02(Sat) 14時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Ah, sorry, my bad. I thought the last sentence was referring to me.

I suggest the diviners vote for their divination target (but do not announce them). This only pertains to me, ハナ,アシモフ. For everyone else, this topic still needs to be discussed.

(90) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 01時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Divination results thus far:

1日目:フィリップ → 人間
2日目:ペラジー →  狼
3日目:カルヴィン → 人間
4日目:ホレーショ → 人間

1日目:ホレーショー → 人間
2日目:ペラジー → 狼
3日目:カルヴィン → 人間

1日目:カルヴィン → 狼
2日目:フィリップ → 人間
3日目:ハナ → 狼
4日目:アシモフ → 人間

(91) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 01時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Here's what I found suspicious:

We were trying to find the sympathizer, but you kept focusing on targets that the wolf should kill.

The sympathizer was supposed to be the leader. Why would you suggest the diviner? Also, I didn't disagree because I was planning to come out a day 3 or 4.

Some more suspicious comments.

If you were human, your primary target is the wolf. Here, you are suggesting diviner and fox.

(92) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー



共鳴者はまとめ役になるはずだった. どうして、占い師を提案したの?そして、私は反対しなかった理由は3-4日目にCOするつもりだった。



(93) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

>If I was a wolf, why didn't I confirm the number of my comrades?>>1:17

答えはここにある >>68
The answer is here >>68

If the other wolves don't send any messages, then you can't confirm the amount of wolves there are.

(94) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 02時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

That's not how you calculate probability.

5 roles, 3 people. 3x5 = 15 outcomes. Everyone has the same probability of each: 1/15 fox, 1/15 diviner, 1/15 lunatic, 2/15 wolf.

Because he is the game master and he set up the village that way.


(101) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 03時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー


5役職、3人。3x5=15結果. 皆は同じ可能性がある:1/15狐、 1/15占い師、 1/15狂人、 2/15狼。



(102) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 03時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

"You claimed this until last night."

"And he was wrong."

"Then, if you were diviner, this is the only situation."
False. I thought アシモフ was a fox, but he is not. However, he is definitely white. White can be any number of roles, not just the lunatic.

(107) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 08時頃

【独】 流浪者 ペラジー

My guess on the remaining characters:

1) アイリス → 狐
2) カルヴィン → 狼
3) ハナ → 狼
4) ソフィア → 村人
5) ミッシェル → 霊能者
6) アシモフ → 狂人
7) ホレーショー → 守護者
8) ペラジー → 占い師

(-7) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 09時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

私の提案はどう思う? >>34
What do you think about my suggestion? >>28

(109) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 09時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Also, who should we execute today?

(110) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 09時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I really hope アシモフ doesn't get kicked out by sudden death.

That could potentially mess up a lot of things, including his divination. Then we'd have no way of confirming whether or not the fox really died.

(111) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー



(113) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 10時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

I will keep my divination target a secret as well, provided that I'm not executed. You will know who I divined tomorrow when you see my vote. And hopefully if all goes well, we will have 3 people dead by tomorrow. Of course, I'm almost certain that カルヴィン and ハナ will vote for me, in which case my divination will no longer work. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for now.

(114) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 10時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

私も占いターゲットを秘密にする(吊らなかった場合)。明日、私の投票を見ると占いターゲットをすぐ分かる。順調にいけば、明日、3人は死ぬ。もちろん、カルヴィン とハナが多分私に投票する。その場合、私の占いはダメになる。今、うまくいくようにと祈る。

(115) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 10時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 10時半頃


kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 14時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

In a couple hours, more people will be dead. But we still don't have a solid plan yet. This is bad.


(130) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 14時半頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Okay, so here's a new plan. No time to write it in Japanese, but here goes.

In order for the villagers to win, we need to satisfy these 3 major objectives (from most important to least important):

1) Kill a wolf
2) Find the true diviner
3) Kill the fox

If we don't kill a wolf or a fox today, we lose. I agree with ホレーショー, we should execute カルヴィン today. We know for a fact that he is not a fox or diviner. He is also unlikely to be the medium. Which means that he is either a wolf, lunatic, or villager. Executing him today would be our safest choice.

In order to find the diviner, I suggest アシモフ, ハナ, and myself to divine anonymously. We should set our votes to our targets so we can tell who did what the next day. This will prevent diviner fraud should one of us actually divine the fox. Granted we will be effectively wasting 3 votes, but if everyone coordinates accordingly, we can make this work.

(131) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 15時頃

【人】 流浪者 ペラジー

Also, should ハナ or アシモフ purposely vote for me, you guys know who to suspect.

In case it's not obvious by now, ハナ, カルヴィン, and アシモフ are a team.

(132) kqli06 2013/03/03(Sun) 15時頃

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